I currently have SSH open on my box. I am trying to also open 4444 for a game, and have hit a roadblock.
I have gone into YaST (admin) > Security and Users > Firewall > Allowed Services > Advanced > and added 4444.
When scanning however, I still see it closed:
nmap -p 20-4500 <<my.i.p.here>>
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. ) at 2008-11-14 22:16 EST
Interesting ports on <my.i.p.here>:
Not shown: 4449 closed ports, 31 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.327 seconds
SSH is opened as a service in that dropdown, while 4444 is opened via “advanced”… I’m at a loss.
All help is appreciated.
Not sure. However, I’m curious–did you open 4444 just for tcp, and if so, do you need to open it for udp as well? I thought most games needed udp…
Also, I don’t think nmap does udp by default. You need to supply a command line switch, I think.
Just a couple of things to check…
November 15, 2008, 4:54am
If you are sure you have added 4444 correctly. tcp, udp?
Temp. try disable firewall. If it still doesn’t work, then you need to put your thinking cap on. But remember to turn Firewall back ON.
November 15, 2008, 5:11am
Do you mind telling us what you need it for? App?
caf4926;1896024 Wrote:
> If you are sure you have added 4444 correctly. tcp, udp?
> Temp. try disable firewall. If it still doesn’t work, then you need to
> put your thinking cap on. But remember to turn Firewall back ON.
I have added 4444 to both the TCP, and UDP boxes.
Turning off the FW made no change in the availability of 4444.
Have you started the service (server daemon) that binds to port 4444?
The netstat and lsof commands should tell you.
Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890 )
openSUSE 11.0 x86 Kernel
up 12:29, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.04
GPU GeForce 6600 TE/6200 TE - Driver Version: 177.80
November 15, 2008, 6:01am
Yast → System → /etc/Sysconfig editor → Network → Firewall → SuSEfirewall2 →
for TCP find FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP and add the port (4444)
for UDP find FW_SERVICES_EXT_UDP and add the port (4444)
Hey Fella,
first of all test your open port by flusing iptables:
iptables -F
if it works after flusing,
then restart, and take a look at you iptables rules:
iptables -L
take a look at the man page and edit them as you wish.
any problems … let me know.
November 15, 2008, 4:25pm
I currently have SSH open on my box. I am trying to also open 4444 for a game, and have hit a roadblock.
I have gone into YaST (admin) > Security and Users > Firewall > Allowed Services > Advanced > and added 4444.
When scanning however, I still see it closed:
nmap -p 20-4500 <<my.i.p.here>>
Starting Nmap 4.11 ( Nmap - Free Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits. ) at 2008-11-14 22:16 EST
Interesting ports on <my.i.p.here>:
Not shown: 4449 closed ports, 31 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.327 seconds
SSH is opened as a service in that dropdown, while 4444 is opened via “advanced”… I’m at a loss.
All help is appreciated.
I hope you do not think I am stupid asking if your game(server) is running and listening to the posrt. But we once had somebody here who thought that simply opening the port would also start an application listening to it.