lwfinger I don’t think D8TA want to delet su. I thik He just want to be abble to use sudo to do everything the root can do.
well… I don’t think it’s possible do “delete” root on opensuse, because it’s in the way ubuntu is build that there is defautly no root however it’s possible to let user do any “root needed” task with sudo, but you need to modify your "sudoer file and ass a group to the group list the user is part of.
so use as root “su -”
then edit the file like this (note that visudo have some verification presedure to ensure do something that break the sudo config, and that visudo use the vim editor.
I don’t know if you know how work vi (or vim), so I may put more info thant need.
so onse visudo is lanch go to the line like this and uncoment (by pressing delet when the cursor is over “#”)
# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
Also be sure there’s his line in the file (espesialy if there’s a line ALL ALL (ALL)=ALL
Defaults targetpw
there’s may be a coment with it…
if the line does not appear (you need to press i to get to the “insertion mode”, mode where you can insert carracter) add it to the file
Personnaly I set thos option in the sudo file
Defaults timestamp_timeout=0 #set time interval in minutes that sudo will ask for password, it must be an integer (0 mean every time 5 would mean 5 minutes
Defaults passwd_timeout=1 #set limit of time in minutes to enter the password must be an integer
Personaly I do set my timestamp_timout to 0. I won’t set the timestamp_timeout to a high number as it woul give an easyer acces to root an may be dangerous.
I’ve set the passwd_timeout option to be sure to not forget typing the passwornd and in case I forget it aumaticaly quit sudo after the set time.
Personnaly I’ve set some other options, if your are interest you may want to take a look at the man page “man sudoers”
once the change you want are done quit the insertion mode press the escape key. end type “:up” without the quotemark to update the file
and “:q” without the quotemark to quit visudo. (if there’s an error message it’s because you made a mistake in the file).
After having edditing the sudoers file you’ll then need to add the user you wisht to have acces to sudo to do “root needed” stuff to the wheel group with this comand:
groupmod -A <user_name> wheel
so nex time the user added to the wheel group will be able to lanch every program with sudo as root. Note that you’ll have to type the root password.