Only one monitor being detected

I am running Tumbleweed and I have a laptop with an Optimus setup. I enabled my dedicated card with Nouveau and vgaswitcharoo. It works but it only works on one monitor. xrandr and gnome only report one monitor being connected.

xrandr --listmonitors                           
Monitors: 1
 0: +*eDP-2 1920/476x1080/268+0+0  eDP-2

Even unplugging the monitor does not switch to the laptop screen. How can i get it to detect the other monitors?


I think I might be able to get it working with xrandr running these commands:

xrandr --setprovideroutputsource nouveau Intel
xrandr --setprovideroffloadsink nouveau Intel

Anyone know how I could do this for all monitors when X starts?