zypper ar -r http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/http/openSUSE_13.2/server:http.repo nginx
I need to install NGINX however I can see only src packages. I tried the repo from the official NGINX page as well but same result.
:~ # zypper se nginx
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
| nginx | A HTTP server and IMAP/POP3 proxy server | srcpackage
| nginx-perl | Full-featured perl support for nginx | srcpackage
I am using openSUSE 13.2 on an Arm Cloud at Scaleway.com. Any idea what could be ticking? My first doubt is about the Kernel being arm-compiled.
~ # uname -sri
Linux 3.2.34-30 armv7l
If that is confirmed, I guess I should compile it from source.
Whilst I’m not an official nginx packager for openSUSE, I always keep it packaged it in my home repo for some commercial ventures.
I added the ARM into the build scripts, let’s see if it compiles cleanly (I have no ARM devices to test it on - the compilation might take a fair bit of time as it seems there are lots of projects in front of me atm). I’ll post here when it has finished compiling and packaging.
Here we go, this might work for you;
zypper ar -f http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Miuku/openSUSE_Factory_ARM/home:Miuku.repo
zypper in --from home_Miuku nginx
On 06/27/2015 11:36 AM, Miuku wrote:
> I added the ARM into the build scripts, let’s see if it compiles cleanly
> (I have no ARM devices to test it on - the compilation might take a fair
> bit of time as it seems there are lots of projects in front of me atm).
> I’ll post here when it has finished compiling and packaging.
Thank you. I’ll test the package when you post its availability.