Once again, no laptop keys work!

I installed 11.1 on a spare hard disk to try it out before installing it on my main hard disk.

For the test installation I chose KDE 3 as the desktop manager, and when KDE 4.2 became available I installed it using the 1-click link from kde.org.

It worked extremely well, especially the volume controls on my laptop. I had to set them up in the mixer’s “shortcuts” feature, but they worked perfectly.

I now have put my original hard drive back into my system and installed 11.1 (exact same media) and this time chose KDE 4.1 as my desktop.

I then used the exact same 1-click to upgrade that to KDE 4.2, but this time my volume controls (or any of the “extra” keys for that matter) are not recognised.

Anyone have any idea where to start looking?

Thanks :slight_smile:

This is the 64 bit version if that makes a difference.

No takers? :frowning:

You could try to manually configure them via
“Start menu” > desktop settings > keyboard settings.
(or keyboard whatever, can’t check as I’m using windows atm)

Yes, I tried that already aexia, but thanks for the suggestion.

For some reason the keys are not even being recognised.

It worked when I upgraded from kde3 to kde 4.2, but upgrading from 4.1 to 4.2 seems to leave a lot more problems sadly.

I might just trash it and start from scratch again seeing as it worked last time.

There are a few things that don’t function such as external volumes not being recognised by the applet thingy and Plasma chewing up a minimum 9% CPU time (it was between 1% and 3% when doing a “clean” KDE4.2 install).

Very odd!