on 13.1 kde samsung rv520 sound works only if I delete and reinstall sound card

I mean that in runlevel there are helps, if I click on help it say something, in Services Manager not, I don’t know anything about systemd, for example, what the upper left dropdown field, default system target, is a field that modify a service or a field that show you some particular view??

good to know…:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
manythnx :slight_smile: ciao :slight_smile: pier

Do you have “pulseaudio-esound-compat” installed?
It worked here that way.

And timidity needs the eSound daemon (which was GNOME’s sound system, for which PulseAudio was designed as a replacement for right from the start) if you specify ‘-Oe’ of course (-Oe tells timidity to use eSound)…

it doesn’t works, if I YaST->System->System Services (Runlevel) enable timidity service, then only timidity works, not sound from other sources, even if pulseaudio is enabled or not, I suppose, as we said before, that timidity grab and block the sound card only for himself.

If pulseaudio is disabled it should work anyway. At least it does for me…

But I had a similar problem years ago on another system. Without enabling PulseAudio, flash-player f.e. grabbed the sound card and blocked all other sound.
But even on that system everything works better now without PulseAudio.

You’re right, Service Manager doesn’t have any help text at all.
I guess that is because it’s new, they haven’t had any time yet to write that help text.
But at least it works, as opposed to the old runlevel module.

And how much help do you need anyway:

  • Click on Start/Stop to start/stop a service (i.e. run/quit it now)
  • Click on Enable/Disable to enable/disable a service (i.e. should it be run or not at boot)
  • Click on Details to show details of a service

The old runlevel module’s help text didn’t say much more either… :wink:

not, so I installed pulseaudio-esound-compat and yast obliged me to uninstall esound daemon for compatibility, modified kmid settings to have pulseaudio as output, then yast>sound>other>enabled pulseaudio, rebooted, clementine sound works, kmid doesn’t works.
modified kmid settings to have alsa as output, disabled pulseaudio, and clementine and kmid works again together… :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: it seems that my system too works better now without PulseAudio…