Old files -- what are the new locations?

Good day, folks. I am writing today because I am trying to install from source a piece of software called ROS, the Robot Operating System. (not an OS, just software) I am having some difficulty with it because their os_detect.py script they use in initialization of the source environment has a rather outdated idea of where openSUSE keeps its system information files. It thinks the brand file is /etc/SuSE-brand, and fair enough, but it’s /etc/SUSE-brand. I fixed that in their code. The thing that’s causing the issue, and I’ve followed the stack trace back to here, is that they are looking for a release file called /etc/SuSE-release. I changed that name to be the same as the current brand file in hopes that it would find something and not crash, but no dice. I can’t find any SUSE-release file on my system, just a folder filled with release licenses or some such. What have we changed our release info file to?

Thanks for any help,

–Henry Wilson

P.S. The github issue representing this (I plan to, when this is fixed, give them the fix.)

Also the script appears to be looking for this version’s “CODENAME,” and I don’t know where to find that. It should be in the SUSE-release file I suppose.

The software should be updated to use the more current /etc/os-release location, as per the freedesktop specification…

Also, there is /etc/lsb-release (part of the lsb package for Linux Standard Base).

I have a rather old openSUSE here (13.2) and in /etc/SuSE-release it says (already for years):

# /etc/SuSE-release is deprecated and will be removed in the future, use /etc/os-release instead

I assume that that removal is done after so may years.

I doubt if it is wise to start using a software where the efforts of keeping it up-to-date seem to be rather restricted.

As much as I would love to use a different suite of robotics software, this is the one that I need to use for research at my university. I appreciate you guys letting me know where the files are, I’ll check back here regularly and post more if I have more questions or if I find a solution.

Thanks so much!

FWIW: more modern openSUSE and SUSE versions use /etc/os-release