OK to disable AutoRefresh for some Repos?

Just a general comment on autorefresh.

When I install, using the DVD installer from a USB flash drive, the install media is configured as a repo.

For recent installs, that repo has shown as disabled.

On Leap, I enable that repo, and refresh it. And then I turn off auto-refresh. That’s the only repo that I do not auto-refresh.

I enable, on the principle that installing from the DVD media should be faster than installing from the OSS repo. Because I turn off auto-refresh, I am not prompted to insert that media unless there is something that can be installed from it. So, most of the time I don’t have to insert it. Occasionally, I do.

I have not seen a reason to to turn off auto-refresh for the oss repo. It looks as if zypper/Yast, etc just check the timestamp on the metadata, and then decide that no further refreshing is needed. So auto-refresh seems inexpensive.

My network speed is okay. But auto-refresh is sometimes slow because of the load on download.opensuse.org. It looks as if refresh is always done at the main repo and not redirected to a mirror.

Not where I live, no sir. Here most if not all providers (telcos, actually) limit UL to ~10% of DL speed. High UL speeds are reserved for corporate servers, that pay a lot more for it.

Heehee lol!

Whilst i shall certainly accept any sympathy offered, i’d be even more grateful for a viable 100 Mbps d+u FTTP connection, should you happen to have a spare one in your back pocket etc…

except on the days when I grab 4.4GIB distro downloads

Oh, well, that’s ok then. I cannot imagine anyone on these fora ever doing something wild & wacky like that!

Interesting info, thanks.

I have not seen a reason to to turn off auto-refresh for the oss repo

It was actually this one step

Retrieving repository 'Main Repository (OSS)' metadata

that prompted my initial post in this topic. Invariably that one takes ~1’ - 2’, whereas the other repos refresh in seconds.

Are you sure it is rate limiting and not inherent technology restriction? “A” in ADSL stays for “Asymmetrical” for a reason.

Anyway, we are already too far from original question :slight_smile:

In Tumbleweed, that’s slow (because it is really needed). In Leap that’s fast (because it isn’t needed).

The strange backword numbers about download-upload can be due to the fact that the TV decoder was still on and thus downloading a TV signal over the same fiber connection (internet, TV and phone).

These speeds are not uncommon in the Netherlands. Please take into account that the population density is rather high and distances short compared to may other countries.

In general all homes were always connected by copper wire (in my youth still on poles through the air in urban regions, but later all dug in). For most houses the cable (TV) was added, replacing aerials in all cities, towns and even small villages, except outlying houses (I guess more then 1 or a few km from the build up areas. ADSL was and is very much used, but of course not so good on the longer distances (which is not that bad for most in the cities). Cable owners added internet with a very acceptable speed, but no freedom of ISP.

The last 5+ years fiber is rolled out in many smaller town/villages were other connections are not to good. In my town e.g. cable was offered rather early, and thus the infrastructure was a bit old and not fit for two direction traffic and thus no cable internet here. The fiber guys jumped in the vacuum and connected all houses (they required a minimum percentage of house owners that were promising to use it, but the fiber was brought into all houses, if you want to subscribe or not (your were not required to let them in, but it is of course a bit stupid to not let the connection made without further cost, after all on selling the house in the future your stubbornness will not pay out).

A few ISPs offered on the fiber. I carried on using ADSL until my ISP also supported fiber. I then switched TV/radio from the cable and telephone from the copper also. Both connections are still in the house (but cut-off somewhere in a box in the street and are thus a sleeping backup for me or every future house owner.

I use the “slowest” offer they have. But a short time ago, they increased sped without further increase in price. And it is more then enough for us.

Reasonably so, given some info I got from the IT BOFH of one of the companies I work for.

Thanks Henk. I am always interested to learn how other countries do it. I do agree with the general premise that geographically-smaller countries with higher population densities might well have an “easier” business case for FTTP rollouts, compared to the inverse scenario of large geographies with comparatively sparse population density. In the latter case, like here in Australia, unfortunately this fact was used as a political weapon in which ideology prevailed over technical merit & nation-building vision. When premises, irrespective of urban or regional location, have fast broadband dl AND ul, genuine viable decentralised population distribution can occur, as e-business & e-medicine [etc] become genuinely viable even without being based in a city. Sadly this opportunity was lost in Australia in 2013. It’s good to know that other countries are less narrow-thinking than we are.

Bottom line:

Assuming that, the system’s Internet connection has enough bandwidth and, the latency is not more than a few 10’s of milliseconds then, AutoRefresh is OK.

But, if the system’s Internet connection is slow with considerable latency (100’s of milliseconds or even more) then, it’s better to disable AutoRefresh.

  • Alternatively, one could set up a local mirror server on the system’s LAN and, out-of-hours (slowly) synchronise the local copies of the repositories to the distribution’s repositories.

Seems a few issues… Stuff

Yes, exactly. A good article, though much more bad stuff could also be said & frequently is, here]. I am quite dreading Q2 next year, when my deadline expires for migration from ADSL2 to NBN FTTN.