I recently used the 1-click install for the NVIDIA drivers (http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_drivers). I have a zbook 17 with a Quadro K610M. This is version 13.1.
Now I reboot and get the “Oh no! Something went wrong!” error with the log out button. Pressing enter to log out does nothing. Any ideas on how to fix this?
The driver packages do not work on first reboot after installation on 13.1. This should be fixed with the next update.
There should be no problem on subsequent boots though.
If that doesn’t help, it would be nice to know which packages you actually installed:
rpm -qa | egrep "kernel|nvidia"
Unfortunately GNOME (and even GDM) do not work at all in recovery mode when you have the nvidia driver installed.
So you would have to login to text mode and do that.
Press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to a text mode login.
Ah I have a hybrid system. I’m going to remove the nvidia drivers and get back to where I can boot without the error. Then I will see if I can get bumblebee working.
16.925] (EE) No devices detected.
16.925] (EE)
Fatal server error:
16.925] (EE) no screens found(EE)
16.925] (EE)
Could it be that you have one of those Optimus systems, i.e. intel and nvidia graphics?
Please post the output of:
/sbin/lspci | egrep "VGA|3D"
In that case the nvidia driver won’t work, as it doesn’t support such systems (and it even breaks the intel driver).
If you can disable the intel chip in your BIOS settings, it might work.
Otherwise remove all nvidia packages again, and the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you should then be able to use GNOME on the intel chip again.
If you want to use the nvidia graphics as well, you should install Bumblebee: http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_Bumblebee
Installed bumblebee successfully using the directions. However the external monitor would not be detected. Looks like there’s ways to configure it with Bumblebee that I will try later. I was able to disable hybrid graphics in the BIOS which enabled the external monitor. I’ll try configuring it with Hybrid graphics some other time. (hp zbook)