Until I read post 3 here:
Requests for Linux drivers flowing in - openSUSE Forums
I never noticed. I’m guilty of doing this many times over. Even with it spelled openSUSE all over the place I still misspelled it.
The things I don’t notice sometimes:shame:
Thanks Microchip8
See I even got your forum username right!
No quite. Very important to use m not M
Not Microchip8
And probably not µchip8 either.
Me I dont care, it is still the same bloody name…
People are bound not to spell it openSUSE, its nothing to go on complaining about.
Who’s complaining, it’s just a bit of chit chat:)
It’s openSuSE!
open SUZIE
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK. E-mail: newsman not newsboy
“I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.”
I refuse your reality and substitute my own.
Most American English style books tell you to ignore internal upper case letters in corporate names and trademarks. Capitalize only the first letter. Exceptions are for unpronounceable acronyms such as AMD or IBM and for hyphenated names such as Coca-Cola. So it’s not incorrect to write Opensuse, Openoffice and Nvidia.
Take a look at the financial pages of any major newspaper or magazine and you’ll see this rule is followed.
There is no rule when someone specifically chooses to write a brand name with a lowercase o. It is their decision and no one will stop them, not even the dictionary. Also, in the past, NVIDIA was correctly written as nVIDIA with lowercase n. So it is incorrect to write it any other way because those responsible for coming up with it have chosen the correct way and you’re just being anal and twisting it when writing it any other way, no matter if that way is correct from proper English point of view - it is still incorrect from the point of view of those who came up with it… period. Decision has been made and that decision says the correct way is with a lowercase o. It is written like that all over the place of openSUSE sites, including here on the forum, wiki, documentations, logo and even the bootscreen. Andreas Jaeger went on a month ago to update the docs due to some people writing it with uppercase O, which of course is not correct.
first it was S.u.S.E. (Software und System Entwicklung)
then in became SuSE (dots were very expensive these days)
now it’s openSUSE…what will be next?
I think openSUSE will stay like that for a long time. Remember that when Novell took the old SuSE, that name lost its meaning behind so nowadays the word SUSE has no specific meaning behind it anymore, ask any of the devs or Novell itself.
OK, from now on, I’ll call you taralkedA
you like such twists? You have specifically chosen your nick to be correctly written as Taralkeda and not as taralkedA or taraLkeda and there is no reason at all for someone to spell it any other way. Same case with openSUSE.
I dont care if someone misspells my screen name, its not my real name anyhow.
Okay, it’s: openSuSe,microchip8, & Taralkeda!
Got 'em all right!
There I knew I ccould spell!
Ah you guys are no fun. We should dyslectify all kinds of names around here.
Douwe Egberts supports Brudio Stussel with fokkie | Duval Guillaume News
Then only the initiated will understand your posts until you’ve had your first fokkie.
Keep in mind, the openSUSE team chose the spelling in part to distinguish it from SLEx. People around here get unhappy when someone comes along asking questions about “Suse,” and with good reason. openSUSE? SLED? SLES? There’s more behind it the spelling than a label
what if I did it each time with your real name since openSUSE is the real (and correct) name of the distro? Or what if you need for some reason to renew your ID papers, go to the appropriate office and there they write it with a lowercase first letter and capital last letter but you are registered in many other places differently? Repeat this a few million times with all people and you get one big mess and folks will get confused and uncertain due to the fact that in each place your name is registered, it’s spelled differently.
And all the arguing above about people claiming it is “correct” from proper dictionary English POV to write openSUSE with capital O is pure bullsh|t. How many of you around here write, for example, IPod or EBay? I bet all of you write iPod and eBay with a lowercase i and e respectively and not a capital one. Where’s your “politically correct proper English to write it with capital letter” attitude then, huh?.. People specifically chose to write a brand name in a specific way and no proper English will ever stop them or say it is incorrect.
Oh here we go again
But the name of openSUSE is the NAME OF A PRODUCT, that is what makes it different from a name of a person.
NO ONE is tallying up the mistakes made by some users other then you, then turning around and acting like a bloody jackass about it.
Look PEOPLE ARE BOUND TO MISSPELL THINGS ON THE INTERNET, especially on chat forums its going to happen.
But why should we scorn people about it, openSUSE IS A PRODUCT.
so calling it Opensuse, OpenSuse, OPENsuse and any other fashion on a forum would not harm the product.
Google those misspellings, you get the same result… openSUSE
There is no reason to berate people on it, just because you are a overly politically correct self righteous ass doesnt mean its right to jump up someones ass just because they spelled openSUSE other then the “official” spelling.