to be fair i had a twitch stream going in firefox and a googledoc in chrome (major load difference)
If you watch a lot of twitch, i can highly recommend using Alternate Player for Twitch.
It will drop the CPU usage like a rock and comes with a build in adblock.
If you want to use GPU hardware decoding and drop CPU use even lower use GitHub - streamlink/streamlink: Streamlink is a CLI utility which pipes video streams from various services into a video player
For chatting use Chatty or Chatterino ( flatpacks available ).
I would be interested to see the results of the same websites/tabs on both browsers.
Would be a fairer comparison
Normal (without extension installed)
With extension installed
the extension only has positive effect when it is not the focused tab while it is running. (not shown)
when it is focused it is a vary marginal effect and does not support the firefox popout player
streamlink drops CPU dramatically, 10/10 would reccomend