Well I seem to be having an opposite problem to this post
Basically my Gnome setup wont take my screensaver settings, despite powersave being turned off and all and me setting my system to wait 2 hours till the screensaver goes on, it does so anyway within a few minutes.
And it locks out the system too, yes granted i do setup my system to ask for a password after a certain amount of time but its doing it at four minute intervals, not two hours as i like…
Any suggestions?
Make sure you don’t have xscreensaver running on top on gnome screensaver.
ps ax | grep xscreensaver
look right to you?
sunnyrabbiera@linux-4o5d:~> ps ax | grep xscreensaver
16488 pts/1 R+ 0:00 grep xscreensaver
Yes it does. Your output only shows the grep process. xscreensaver is not running. This is right so. Under Gnome, you should have gnome-screensaver instead.
I assume that you adjusted the timeout (default 5 minutes) after which the computer will be regarded as idle in Control Center > Screensaver Preferences (?).
yes I adjusted that
Hmmm … and gnome-screensaver is not a symlink to xscreensaver either? Do you have a file ~/.xscreensaver ? That file is normally not used by gnome-screensaver but who knows … If you happen to have it, try changing the timeout there.
Any power managment settings in the ServerFlags section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?
You could also take a look in the Gnome ‘registry’ with gconf-editor under /apps/gnome-screensaver …
permission issue in ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-screensaver, like wrong ownership or something similar ?
No, none of the above, still clicks out.
I am using LXDE on the side now because of this issue, normally I am a gnome advocate but this issue does hurt me a lot.