hi there,
i just install obs studio (from packman) and when i try to start recording i get this error
warning: [FFmpeg aac encoder: ‘simple_aac’] Couldn’t find encoder
anyone can help me?
hi there,
i just install obs studio (from packman) and when i try to start recording i get this error
warning: [FFmpeg aac encoder: ‘simple_aac’] Couldn’t find encoder
anyone can help me?
Hi and welcome to the forum
Is ffmpeg installed? And you have switched your system to the packman packages?
and yes ffmpeg is installed version 3.1.1 and it installed from packman
and what you mean by
“And you have switched your system to the packman packages?”
should i update all the packages from packman?
I was under the impression it should be down graded to the 2.8 version (??) I believe this happened for Tumbleweed…
Sounds like you might need to ask the packman folks direct on either IRC or their Mailing List;
Have a read here, check the ffmpeg codecs and encoders;
nevermind i switch to packman in yast and all working
Which downgraded your ffmpeg to 2.8 …
nop, its version 3.1.1