Nvidia Setup - Tumbleweed


New OpenSuse user here coming over from Manjaro for a fresh change of Distro…

I have currently installed OpenSuse with Gnome and as Tumbleweed rather than Leap.

My system is an Optimus Laptop and my GPU is an Nvidia GTX1050ti mobile.

Before I start and perhaps start installing it incorrectly - what is the best method for getting my Nvidia GPU up and running?

I keep seeing the two guides floating about for the easy way or the hard way.

I did try the easy way very briefly on an OpenSuse install a month or two ago (adding the repo, installing the drivers in Yast) - but nothing ever ran using my GPU but instead ran using the Intel chip.

Any advise before starting on this new OpenSuse install would be greatly appreciated.


You need suse-prime to manage the Optimus hardware. Just install the NVIDIA drivers is not enough.

Gogalthorp - perfect, thanks. I assumed as much but preferred to clarify before messing the setup about.

That will be my task for this evening.