Nvidia problems


I pulled my Nvidia card out of the machine and used the onboard video, reinstalled 11.0, got the Novell client 2.0 working great, and everything looks ok now EXCEPT when I reinstalled the Nvidia card I still have the same problems I reported in my original posts (OpenSuse 11.0 Destroyed my Boot Sector).

I cannot get the Nvidia driver to work. When I run Sax2 with all of the various options, I still get the same results. I tried using the -l and -v options, still nothing.

I then tried using the automatic installation (using the NVIDIA - openSUSE auto install). Still same problems.

Can I get this to work in some other mode? Is there something I am missing?


Alright so you installed via the one-click? Could you please tell us what your Nvidia graphics card is and then post a copy of your xorg.conf located at /etc/X11

Take Care,


Its an NVidia GeForce 8400GS. I am thrilled, because I was able to boot into X today by using the Failsafe (showopts ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off noresume nosmp noapic maxcpus=0 edd=off x11failsafe).

Here is the xorg.conf file:


SaX generated X11 config file

Created on: 2009-05-07T17:44:18-0400.

Version: 8.1

Contact: Marcus Schaefer <sax@suse.de>, 2005

Contact: SaX-User list <https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/sax-users>

Automatically generated by [ISaX] (8.1)


Section “Files”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/local”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/Type1”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/URW”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/Speedo”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/PEX”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/latin2/misc:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/latin2/75dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/latin2/100dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/latin2/Type1”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/latin7/75dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/baekmuk:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/japanese:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/kwintv”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/truetype”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/uni:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/CID”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/ucs/misc:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/ucs/75dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/ucs/100dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/hellas/misc:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/hellas/75dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/hellas/100dpi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/hellas/Type1”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/misc/sgi:unscaled”
FontPath “/usr/share/fonts/xtest”
FontPath “/opt/kde3/share/fonts”
InputDevices “/dev/gpmdata”
InputDevices “/dev/input/mice”

Section “ServerFlags”
Option “AllowMouseOpenFail” “on”
Option “ZapWarning” “on”

Section “Module”
Load “dbe”
Load “type1”
Load “freetype”
Load “extmod”
Load “glx”

Section “InputDevice”
Driver “kbd”
Identifier “Keyboard[0]”
Option “Protocol” “Standard”
Option “XkbLayout” “us”
Option “XkbModel” “microsoftpro”
Option “XkbOptions” “ctrl:swapcaps”
Option “XkbRules” “xfree86”

Section “InputDevice”
Driver “mouse”
Identifier “Mouse[1]”
Option “Buttons” “5”
Option “Device” “/dev/input/mice”
Option “Name” “ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse”
Option “Protocol” “explorerps/2”
Option “Vendor” “Sysp”
Option “ZAxisMapping” “4 5”

Section “Monitor”
DisplaySize 410 257
HorizSync 30-84
Identifier “Monitor[0]”
ModelName “E19T6W”
Option “DPMS”
Option “PreferredMode” “1280x1024”
VendorName “EMA”
VertRefresh 43-76
UseModes “Modes[0]”

Section “Modes”
Identifier “Modes[0]”
Modeline “1440x900” 89 1440 1488 1520 1600 900 903 909 926 +hsync +vsync

Section “Screen”
DefaultDepth 16
SubSection “Display”
Depth 15
Modes “1280x1024” “1280x768” “1024x768” “800x600”
SubSection “Display”
Depth 16
Modes “1280x1024” “1280x768” “1024x768” “800x600”
SubSection “Display”
Depth 24
Modes “1280x1024” “1280x768” “1024x768” “800x600”
SubSection “Display”
Depth 8
Modes “1280x1024” “1280x768” “1024x768” “800x600”
Device “Device[0]”
Identifier “Screen[0]”
Monitor “Monitor[0]”

Section “Device”
BoardName “Vesa-BIOS Graphics”
BusID “1:0:0”
Driver “vesa”
Identifier “Device[0]”
Screen 0
VendorName “VESA”

Section “ServerLayout”
Identifier “Layout[all]”
InputDevice “Keyboard[0]” “CoreKeyboard”
InputDevice “Mouse[1]” “CorePointer”
Option “Clone” “off”
Option “Xinerama” “off”
Screen “Screen[0]”

Section “DRI”
Group “video”
Mode 0660

Section “Extensions”

Thanks, hope you can help.

Well, it’s using the vesa driver. Okay, so what you’ll want to do is boot up in failsafe mode again. It will be a tty text only console. Login and then type this

sax2 -r

Go through the test and tell it to save the configuration. Then when it’s done type these commands one by one:

nvidia-xconfig --composite
nvidia-xconfig --render-accel
nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 24

Then restart with this command

shutdown -r now

and let it boot up normally. You should get the graphical user interface.

Good Luck,


I logged in as root at the tty/text console.
Ran sax2 -r, got the following:
“Died at /usr/share/sax/initi.pl line 653”
So, there was no configuration to save

I ran the 3 nvidia-xconfig commands anyway, restarted, but the GUI still did not boot.


his is my canned response for doing it the ‘Hard Way’ :slight_smile:

Have you installed the nvidia driver via 1-click? If not I recommend
the hard way, else follow the easy way here;

If you have installed nvidia rpms via the easy way, I suggest removing
the rpms installed and disabling the nvidia repository first.

You can download the driver for your arch from;
Nvidia Unix Drivers

On the download page, check that your card is supported by the driver
your about to download by using the following command;

echo -n "0x" && /sbin/lspci -nv |grep VGA|cut -f4 -d ":"|cut -f1 -d "("

From the above output use the numbers from the output to look at the
Supported Products List (link on the left) to verify your card is
supported by the driver.

You may wish to ensure your system is up to date. The first command
refreshes the repositories, the second lists any updates, the third
will apply the updates.

sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper lu
sudo zypper up

NOTE: If the kernel updated, please reboot before continuing :slight_smile:

If you don’t have the kernel source and tools etc installed then

sudo zypper in kernel-source linux-kernel-headers kernel-syms
module-init-tools make gcc

Press ctrl+alt+F1 and login as your user :slight_smile:

su -
init 3

cd to the Nvidia Unix Driver you downloaded

sh NV*.run -q
sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia
init 5 && exit

The ctrl+alt+F7 gets you back to the GUI (X session).

Now after a kernel update, you don’t need to run the sax2 command, just
the others to get to run level 3, rebuild the driver and exit.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 (i586) Kernel
up 2:59, 1 user, load average: 0.52, 0.24, 0.12
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME

The OP’s first post said he did the one-click install.

So before you do that hard way, go into Yast and uninstall any Nvidia drivers. Then go with the hard way.

Ahh, missed that my bad. Still the OP needs to ensure that the sax2
command is run at runlevel 3 and use the -m switch, (eg sax2 -r -m
0=nvidia) which may be the problem?

Cheers Malcolm °¿° (Linux Counter #276890)
openSUSE 11.1 (i586) Kernel
up 3:57, 1 user, load average: 0.42, 0.20, 0.11
ASUS eeePC 1000HE ATOM N280 1.66GHz | GPU Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME