Hello all,
If you are using a legacy Nvidia driver for your older graphics card and are experiencing installation problems due to the new kernel 4.0.0.
I have posted a patch on “openSUSE Paste” that was found on the Nvidia Developer Forum.
Here is the link: http://img.susepaste.org/50008249
How to download or save
While in Firefox, click on Simple or Raw and navigate to File–>Save Page As. Or click on Download and select Save File.
In the Name field and assign the name: nvidia-340.76-kernel-4.0.patch
Click on the Save button.
Download the “NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76.run” driver from the Nvidia website.
Click on this direct link to download the driver: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/81761/en-us
How to apply patch
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76.run --apply-patch nvidia-340.76-kernel-4.0.patch
Once the driver finishes recompiling the changes the name will change to NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76-custom.run.
How to install
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-340.76-custom.run
Good luck!