Hi to all
After an error i installed varius packages on my system that i dont really need,
most important i installed all the versions of the nvidia drivers,can you help me please find the one i need for my graphic card(that i dont know which model is),so i can unistall the others.
Yet i dont have reboot my system,by fear.but an immediate problem is that i cant open dolphin,
from the konqueror when i try to manage home files i get the message dolphin cant be accesed because “/usr/lib64/kde4/dolphinpart.so: (libnvidia-tls.so.346.35: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)”
Please what to do?
P.S. verification mode dosn’t reveal any problems(also in zypper)there is some command to use for return to the pre-mess situation?
Now i shaw i cant open system settings on kde!!!
openSUSE 13.1x64
What error?
most important i installed all the versions of the nvidia drivers,
That’s not a good idea at all. The different driver versions conflict with each other.
Even if it might work now by luck, it will definitely break at any time when there is an update.
can you help me please find the one i need for my graphic card(that i dont know which model is),so i can unistall the others.
Well, you should uninstall all of them for a start.
And then only install one of them that supports your card.
To find out what card you have, run this:
/sbin/lspci | grep VGA
hwinfo --gfxcard
or have a look in KInfocenter (you seem to be using KDE), or YaST->Hardware->Hardware Informations.
Yet i dont have reboot my system,by fear.but an immediate problem is that i cant open dolphin,
from the konqueror when i try to manage home files i get the message dolphin cant be accesed because “/usr/lib64/kde4/dolphinpart.so: (libnvidia-tls.so.346.35: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)”
Well, files from the nvidia driver that is loaded seem to be missing.
Please what to do?
Run YaST->Software Management and remove all packages with “nvidia” in the name.
You should be able to reboot your system then, unless something else is broken too.
But it shouldn’t even be necessary.
Just install the correct driver afterwards, and then reboot.
But as you are using 13.1, you should be aware that YaST/zypper will likely not install all necessary packages or even wrong ones, if you just tell it to install x11-video-nvidiaG0X. So you should better explicitely tell it/select all packages manually.
Please tell your graphics card model and the output of “uname -a”, and I’ll tell you exactly which packages you should install.
Thanks wolfi,
I had only to find the graphic card model(nvidia 8600)
I was missing from the forum for sometime now,you think its a good idea to make a zypper dup without dissactivating all the third party repositories?
And since i am a physician (anesthesiologist),you know where can i find suse apps related to my work?
I know that the last question belongs to a different subforum,but…:shame:
This is supported by both the G02 and the G03 driver (but again, you should only install one of them).
So either install G02, i.e. those packages:
nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-desktop, x11-video-nvidiaG02, nvidia-computeG02
or for G03:
nvidia-gfxG03-kmp-desktop, nvidia-uvm-gfxG03-kmp-desktop, x11-video-nvidiaG03, nvidia-computeG03, nvidia-glG03
And as I mentioned already, please verify that the “kmp” packages match your installed kernel. I.e. the above applies to kernel-desktop, if you use e.g. kernel-default instead you’d need nvidia-gfxG02-kmp-default or nvidia-gfxG03-kmp-default and nvidia-uvm-gfxG03-kmp-default respectively.
I was missing from the forum for sometime now,you think its a good idea to make a zypper dup without dissactivating all the third party repositories?
But that largely depends on what repos you have added in the first place. With many 3rd party repos it will likely give you problems or even break your system.
Normally, you should only use “zypper up” to update your system. “zypper dup” is designed for upgrading to the next openSUSE version. (dup=Distribution UPgrade)
And since i am a physician (anesthesiologist),you know where can i find suse apps related to my work?
I have no idea what apps would be related to your work, or what you would be looking for.
But you can find openSUSE packages here: