Nvidia issue after kernel update, but now what

So my 13.2 went to kernel and now I can’t get Nvidia drivers to work anymore, I tried reinstalling with zypper f the G03 from Nvidia repo but no luck. I also tried the G04 but still no luck. I have a geforce 210.

G04 doesn’t even support this card.

Why are you using Kernel 4.2.3 anyway?

The packages in the nvidia repo are only guaranteed to work with the Kernel shipped with openSUSE.

openSUSE 13.2 comes with 3.16.6 (has been updated to 3.16.7 meanwhile).
Uninstall Kernel 4.2.3 (and verify that 3.16.7 is installed) and remove the additional Kernel repo you probably added, and the driver should work.

Or install the nvidia driver “the hard way”, and recompile the kernel module after every kernel update.
Although the G03 driver might not even work yet with the latest kernel, I don’t know.

So you installed a much much newer kernel so there is no longer a nice automated way to do it you must install the hard way

Are you running 13.2 or Tumbleweed??? They are not the same thing. :open_mouth:

NVIDIA says that a 210 should use 340.93 driver which is the GO3 but you must compile for your non-standard newer kernel so follow instruction on the NVIDIA web site

If you are running 13.2 how did you manage to get that kernel?

I can’t remember how I got that kernels repo added there.
I will remove it and clean all nvidia entries than try reinstalling G03 again.

I hope I don’t crash my system :).

I can’t see kernel 3.16 under “Versions”. In wich repo should it be?

In the regular kernel is in the regular repo. nothing specail

If you run Yast -Software Management at bottom right there is a version tab if you search for kernel and highlight it the version tab will tell you what version is available and where it comes from.Unless you have a serious compelling reason don’t use exotic stuff that may or may work in your system unless you understand what you are doing.

Because you know how to bandage a finger does not mean you are ready for brain surgery :stuck_out_tongue:

In the standard 13.2 repos (repo-oss and repo-update).

Crashing systems makes you learn :)).

I made a mistake, I’m on 13.1 Bottle, not 13.2 so I see as latest kernel, I guess that is the one.

I will install that, reinstall nvidia, then I will try and update to 13.2.

Will get back with results :slight_smile:


Thread Prefix changed to openSUSE 13.1

But I hope you added the nvidia 13.1 repo then… :wink:


I managed to fix my nVidia problem!

Back to official kernel and repos.

Now, let me find some good tutorial to upgrade my distro without breaking everything :D.

Thanks guys!

if you NEED the newest of the NEW
suse is not for you

suse is MORE stable than Fedora

fedora 23 BETA testing is out

the release was moved back a week

even fedora is NOT always the newest of the new

and your LEGACY!!! 210 card will not even work with the very very very new software

it is after all a LEGACY card

use the suse default desktop kernel and the g03 or the 340 nvidia.run

Well, there’s Tumbleweed…
But it’s better to stay on the stable side of things if you rely on the proprietary nvidia driver. Unless you really know what you are doing and can live with occasional breakage.