I feel like I’ve been particularly stupid here, so bear with me:
I attempted to install a driver for my graphics card by going here, and downloading and running the .run file I found there.
At one point while running, I was told that the process had probably disabled nouveau, but I’d have to reboot the system before continuing. I didn’t notice this until I’d already hit continue.
Now on boot, the system encounters a fatal error when it attempts to load the login page, presumably because it can’t load a graphics card at this point.
I’m currently booting from the LiveCD, and I’d like to know if it’s possible to remove the driver installed by the .run file, or at least disable it until I can sort everything out again?
You can remove the driver via the nvidiaxxxxxxx.run --remove option
boot to terminal by at the boot press e then find line startin linux or linuxefi anfd go to true end of line (it wraps) enter a space and 3 press F10 to continue boot log in terminal as root go to where the .run file is and run with --remove ooption
Thanks, I managed to remove the driver and get nouveau working again!
Still can’t seem to get the NVIDIA driver to work, but now that I know how to remove it when stuff goes sour, I’ll be able to figure it out at some point in the future.