I’m trying to get hardware acceleration when I play open arena it is all slow without it I have a nvidia Ge force 4 MX440.
I’m trying to get hardware acceleration when I play open arena it is all slow without it I have a nvidia Ge force 4 MX440.
That site was great but as I chose the right driver while it was installing it stopped and said it couldn’t connect to the server. I’ll start again tommorrow.
Thank You
Forget that 1-Click install and use the “Repository Method” to add the NVidia-repo.
Then choose your driver from from YaST.
I don’t know how to add the repos or where to add them?
Scroll down
“See Also”
=> “Add Package Repositories to YaST”
=> “Additional YaST Package Repositories”
=> “Add Package Repositories to YaST”
=> “Additional YaST Package Repositories”
Done that but getting lost on what link to add. I added a link to YaST repos I guess it was the wrong one because it was not the right one.
Done that but getting lost on what link to add.
You have to add nvidia repository. In yast repository manager, if you choose to add a community repo, it will list a number of them, including nvidia, packman, etc. Choose nvidia.
I guess it was the wrong one because it was not the right one
That’s a given
Yast->software management->Configuration->repositories->add->Community Repositories->click next and there you go;).
Good luck my friend
That worked I went into software repositories their I added community repos and poof I got my driver ;-D
I guess it was the wrong one because it was not the right one
That’s a given
lol I did have a buzz when I was typing that LOL :shame:
I really appreciate that is working for you and I try to explain but sometime they dont understand. But that is okay I
m happy for you ;).
Opps 95% I have hard time to explain anyway
Good luck:)
Thank You Thank You Thank You