Nvidia for Leap 15.6

I’ doing an update on my desktop to 15.6. As always I landed on the console, not in KDE.

In earlier updates I deleted the G04 Nvidia Drivers and Installed again from the Nvidia Repository of the new Leap Version. Howerver, this time the driver is not found there. The Driver I tried is


Zypper says: No provider found

How can I do the installation now? And come back to kde.

The G04 driver is not available for Leap 15.6. You can use the run file and install “the hard way”.

You are right, searching the repo there are no more G04 but only G06 and others.

I gave it a try with

zypper install-new-recommends --repo repo-non-free:NVIDIA

Taht installed the G06 and luckily that worked for me.