Nvidia drivers

Hi totally new to linux,

trying to install the drivers for nvidia geforce 9800 gt, have down-loaded and installed but i get following message:You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run nvidia-xconfig as root), and restart the X server.
this means nothing.
any help would be appriciated, but an idiots step by step guide would be better as i dont even understand the “as Root” part

many thanks

Running as root means running the command as “superuser” (Administrator in Windowesian). This is usually achieved by issuing su before launching the command. “Su” will ask you for your superuser password. Restarting the X server simply means shutting down the GUI; the most elegant and correct way to do it would be to log out (as if switching user) and simply log back in.
Now, if by any chance nvidia-xconfig doesn’t behave as expected, you could try running sax2 -r from a console. IIRC it has to be run as superuser too.

follow the instructions here: NVIDIA - openSUSE

You can do the “easy” way or the “hard” way. I find that the “hard” way is not that hard, it is actually very easy (if you are comfortable with typing commands).

Open a console type su then root password then nvidia-xconfig
Then reboot


thanks for the replies
opened gnome terminal and got the following
jamie@linux-b7a7:~> su
linux-b7a7:/home/jamie # nvidia-xconvig
bash: nvidia-xconvig: command not found
linux-b7a7:/home/jamie #

i think i am missing something basic here

realised i had spelt wrong ie:convig instead of config

tryed all sugestions however it seems i am no further forward.
i can not can not change compiz fusion from the basic set up as though i am running a very basic system but i believe this comp is up to the task

amd x2 2.8ghz
2gb 800hz ram
geforce 9800 gt

is a re-install a posible answer

did you look at the instructions in the link I posted?

What about this:
sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia

You will also need the gcc, make and kernel-sources (make sure the source version matches your installed kernel)

tried the instructions got nowhere.
could it be that im running a 32bit version of suse on a 64bit machine???

Go to Welcome to NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies (Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers) and download the 32-bit drivers for your card. And then follow the “hard” way instructions.

I don’t know if the repos separate the drivers into 32 or 64 bit.

ben@SuSeLinux:~> sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia
bash: sax2: command not found
Hmmm what’s the gcc, make and kernel-sources? I hope this doesn’t mean starting Yast again, I think I’ll quit before I go through that again!

ben2talk adjusted his/her AFB on Sunday 10 May 2009 07:36 to write:

> cybertaz;1891859 Wrote:
>> did you look at the instructions in the link I posted?
>> What about this:
>> sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia
>> You will also need the gcc, make and kernel-sources (make sure the
>> source version matches your installed kernel)
> ben@SuSeLinux:~> sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia
> bash: sax2: command not found

are you logged in as root on a term in runlevel 3?

if the :

ben@SuSeLinux:~> sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia

is a direct paste then you are trying to run sax2 as user not root which
does not compute :slight_smile:


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