nvidia driver suse 11.2 m6

Hello, world! please tell me what packages do i need to install first, before installing the official nvidia driver? and is it possible to use the one click install 4 suse 11.1 to install driver on suse 11.2 m6 or i need to install some packages, download the driver from nvidia and sh driver.sh it?

This has been discussed very recently. The good advice seems to be: compile the driver from source against the source of the new kernel. See: kernel and nvidia - better wait applying - openSUSE Forums

You cannot install the one-click packages, since 11.1 has a different kernel. The Milestones are unstable releases, so basically you’re on your own. If not for these forums !!!

Please reply whether you’re running 32 or 64 bit openSUSE. I’ll get back to you with instructions on how to fix it.

i am also running open suse 11.2 64bit and need help to get the nvidia drivers for my asus g71gx-rx05 from best buy it has a gforce gtx-260m with 1gb video ram.

I update frequently the kernel of opensuse 11.2.
Each time I have to recompile Nvidia’s driver, VirtualBox and VMplayer’s modules. It is really not so complicated. If you have done it once, it will be even easier the next time!

First download the “manual installation” NVIDIA driver by going to “http://www.nvidia.com”, the choose “Download drivers” and make the selections according to you graphic card and system version.
In my case (GT260 + Linux 64 bits), I arrive to the page “http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_185.18.36.html]NVIDIA DRIVERS 185.18.36” were you can click on “download”, then on agree, then choose where you want to put a file called NVIDIA-LINUX-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run (at the time of this writing) on your disk.
Let us suppose you put in /home/foo.

  • Then after the kernel update, at the next boot, you arrive at a console with a prompt for login.
  • Log as root
  • type “bash /home/foo/NVIDIA-LINUX-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run”
    It will complain about not finding a precompiled driver. Answer yes when it asks you if you want to recompile.
  • Once compilation is finished and you have answered “yes” to all the remaining questions, you can test by typing “startx” or reboot.

If it complains about not finding the kernel source or gcc, you will have to install them (only once, not each time you update the kernel) by typing “zypper in gcc” and “zypper in kernel-sources” before typing “bash /home/foo/NVIDIA-LINUX-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run” again.

I you also use

  • Virtualbox, you type before rebooting “/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup”
    -VmWare, you type vmware-modconfig --noconsole --install-all (but be sure to have downloaded the latest version -2.5.3 for vmplayer, at the moment- before)

Hope it helps