After updating TW yesterday with zipper dup, the nvidia driver 565.77 won’t build with the latest 6.13 kernel. Can some one tell me how to use wget to get another driver so I can try that one instead? TIA.
I was able to download a driver but my system is telling I don’t have permission to execute the run file. I logged in as root in runlevel 3.
How do I get permission to run this .run file?
what is the output of ls -l *.run
It’s probably not marked as executable.
Thanks for your reply. I forgot to put sh before the file name. I was able to install a different driver.
Could you refresh my memory of how to make a file executable from the command line? I’ll write it down so I won’t forget again.
chmod +x filename
is the simplest way
For a file only root should have authority to run or write, sudo chmod 744 filename
would do it.
[quote=“mrmazda, post:6, topic:182107, full:true”]
For a file only root should have authority to run or write, sudo chmod 744 filename
would do it.
[/quote] Thanks to both of you.
You might have solved this problem, pilotgi, but in case you haven’t: I also couldn’t install the 565.77 nvidia .run file with the 6.13 kernel, but had better luck with 550.144.03. (
@Tuner Yes that one works, I opted for the newest version (570.86.10) to see if my Nvidia Tesla (Pascal Arch) P4 was still working (closed driver)…it is…
@pilotgi I normally just run chmod 0755 <some NVIDIA run file>
after I download, then execute as root user.
Malcolm, can you tell us where you found 570.86.10? I just checked:
and see 565.77 as the last listed. I wonder if there’s a valuable nvidia driver link that I don’t know about.
@Tuner It’s with the latest cuda download (big download!!!)…
I use cuda, so grabbed that as can also just extract to get the driver…
Or use the Leap 15 repo…
Thanks, Malcolm. Links bookmarked … but after taking a look, I suspect that a less knowledgeable user like me is better off being patient and waiting for the latest and greatest to hit the directory I linked above. Also, I nvidia, but don’t cuda.
565.77 is the new feature branch and has been out for about a month and a half. The latest production branch shouldn’t be much further behind. Normally I don’t have any problems with a new feature branch but apparently something changed with the latest 6.13 kernel.
By the way, here’s a link to another download page that has the 64-bit only version of nvidia drivers. It’s a long list and the latest drivers are at the bottom.
to install driver from run file
you need to boot with 3
parameter to have no gpu drivers loaded
on grub-boot screen press E key - and add 3
to kernel boot parameters
then run .run from text terminal where it located (you need kernel source package installed)
after installing - you need to have
blacklist nouveau
options nvidia_drm modeset=1
options nvidia_drm fbdev=1
options nvidia NVreg_EnableGpuFirmware=0
options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1 NVreg_TemporaryFilePath=/var/tmp
boot grub kernel option:
nvidia_drm.modeset=1 nvidia_drm.fbdev=1
@S48GS Hi, if you get to a TTY login, just login as root user and run systemctl isolate
(tab completion works too )
With reference to the links, it all depends on the end use of the GPU (and it’s architecture) , Optimus setup, whether using the open driver or not, suspending system etc. So options used can vary quite a bit.
For example today’s setup for my development box is;
blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
##Power Management
options nvidia NVreg_DynamicPowerManagement=0x02
options nvidia NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1
## Enable the PAT feature
options nvidia NVreg_UsePageAttributeTable=1
Kernel options: fbdev=1 nosimplefb=1 nvidia_drm.modeset=1
I’m running an Intel ARC A380 as primary graphics and an Nvidia Tesla P4 with the closed 570.86.16 installed via the run file.