nvidia driver module not found in bbswitch tumbleweed

Hello Fellow Opensuse Users,
I am currently trying to get bbswitch running on Opensuse Tumbleweed on a laptop with an Geforce840m in optimus configuration, i know this is dangerous, i have done it in arch linux and Bricked my X Server there several times but i had it working before switching to Opensuse.

I have been strictly following this guide https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_Bumblebee .
From my experience in Arch linux i know that nouveau did not work and nvidia did, so i’m trying to do that here as well. however, when bumblebeed starts it sais “[ERROR]Module ‘nvidia’ is not found.” every minute or so and fails.

Wich makes sense to me since there is no nvidia*.ko anywhere in the current /lib/modules folder. I have read the filelists of the packages mentioned in the Tutorial or anything installed that yast gave me when i searched for nvidia really and i have not found a nvidia*.ko file, xf86-video-nouveau and -nv seem to have drivers in them but at least the nv one is not needed in the tutorial. I don’t see anything resembling a driver in the nvidia-bumblebee package, it is just a .conf file and a readme. also i don’t remember signing this agreement with nvidia when installing it. I am also not allowed to install x11-video-nvidiaG05 due to it conflicting with nvidia-bumblebee.

Please Help me, i’m out of ideas, mkinitrd doesn’t find the module either and nvidia and nouveau are both blacklisted anyway, what should I do?

G. Grosskopf

Bumblebee is no long supported in OpenSUSE, so it won’t be available for LEAP 15.2 or for Tumbleweed. It still works for LEAP 15.1 if you follow my instructions here (https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/537906-Cuda-Nvidia-bumblebee-codecs-quot-safe-quot-way). I haven’t bumped into any OpenSUSE kernel 5.* that has bumblebee module.

That sounds really bad :confused: so how about prime or something? is there any way i can get my graphics card to work? i’m trying prime with the official nvidia drivers now and there are no nvidia kernel modules loaded into the linux 5.7.2-3 folder in /lib/modules there is however this file: /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so do i need to link it somewhere for mkinitrd to find it though?

You need to patch the current 440.82 driver if that’s what your using…

I am sure there are people who can better answer you but there are some instructions at GitHub - openSUSE/SUSEPrime: Provide nvidia-prime like package for openSUSE. I am still hanging on to LEAP 15.1 and bumblebee and personally maintaining it on my machines, so I can’t say anything about suse-prime until I upgrade and switch.

Ok, i have now managed to install this, i have sadly no idea how it should be done, no one solution, from how i understand it the nvidia driver needs to be installed compiled with the same cc and gcc as the kernel is, so other than installing the official nvidia driver through:

zypper ar https://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/tumbleweed nvidia-tumbleweed
  zypper inr

or zypper up if the repo is allready installed, and using nvidia-prime, understanding that tool not as a driver but as a toolbox to config XOrg to at all times (compared to bbswitch, that can switch it on at times [if it exists wich it seemingly doesn’t for tumbleweed]) use the nvidia card. Every time the Kernel updates however, the problem returns but not breaking the machine for me today, it just booted with intel because the nvidia module didn’t exist again, so you have to upgrade the nvidia driver then again so that the module can be during update compiled to work with that kernel, there is this "sudo dkms install nvidia/something command that tries to build it for the new kernel but i have not seen it work these two times.

It seems like this might be another Opportunity to loop-watch the opinion Linus Torvalds had of Nvidia for a bit to let of some steam, knowing that even in Opensuse Tumbleweed it can be acchieved to play some awesome games for a while until you reboot after a kernel update xD