NVIDIA-CUDA installer killed my SUSE

Hi openSUSE community,

i need some help.:frowning:

I recently tried to install the CUDA-Driver for my 10.3-openSUSE. The installation went well, the installer had to recompile some Kernel-modules and changed some config data of the X-System (it said it would create a backup, which i couldnā€™t find so far).

But now my SUSE stops booting at runlevel 5, saying the smbf-service failed. So iā€™m just able to perform some commands at the prompt. X doesnā€™t even try to start.

Since the guys at the NVIDIA forum couldnā€™t help and i believe, that iā€™m going to need more SUSE specific advice, iā€™m now asking you: Has anyone an idea how to fix that ?

If you need any information concerning kernel, previously installed NVIDIA-Drivers or on something else, please ask !

Thanks in advance, aza

Does your gfx card have CUDA support ? or is on the CUDA list ? once installed a simple

sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia

sometimes works


No my graphics card is not on the list, but read somewhere, that the CUDA Framework would simulate the cardā€¦

Well, obviously i shouldnā€™t have tried to install the driverā€¦

Ok, i tried you command it failes. Heres the output written to /var/log:

Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 173.14.15, but this NVIDIA Driver component has version 180.22. Please make sure that all modules have the same version.
Then it says: ***ABORTING ***
unload: nvidia
unload: wfb
unload: fb
Screens found, but none have a usable configuration.

Thats all pretty interesting, but how can i restore my settings before the installation ?

Thanks again!

If your card is not on either list it wonā€™t work. To get working graphics again type

 sax2 -r -m 0=nv

that should get you working basic graphics. If that fails try

sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

or you could copy your old xorg.conf over the new


Ok, i moved my xorg.conf.backup over my xorg.conf - but nothig happened sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia still fails, caused by the same error.

the other commands function - but i donā€™t really understand, why the old xorg.conf doesnā€™t get the thing goingā€¦

And whats the matter with my smbf ? Is there a connection between X and Samba ?


I just checked whether my new old xorg.conf fits into this scheme here xorg.conf(5): config File for Xorg X server - Linux man page - it does, especially the screen part - why does sax2 keeps saying there were no valid screens ā€¦ weird

Ok, i think i have to remove the CUDA driver which i installed. Unfortunately i canā€™t access the YAST graphics menu - it just fails to open it. Is there another way of removing this driver ? I couldnā€™t find any advice using googleā€¦

use the ncurses version of YaST.At the prompt, type ā€œsuā€ ( without quotes ) & press enter, type in rootā€™s password,you wonā€™t see anything as you type, this is a security feature then type YaST & press enter



yeah thatā€™s exactly what i did - i know the ncurses version of yast.

But every time i press enter choosing the graphics and monitor menu the screen blacks out, returns and nothing happened.

Well, now iā€™m a really puzzled penguin ā€¦

ok, at the prompt, su to root, then type

nvidia installer --uninstall 

then try sax2


thanks for your help.

But i canā€™t find the command ā€œnvidiaā€ ā€¦
Should i try a

 sudo zypper in nvidia


Did you su to root before issuing the command ? Have you already uninstalled the nvidia drivers ?


Yes, i did.

No, i havenā€™t unistalled them yetā€¦

But what i did is, to start an X-Server without these nvidia drivers. What puzzles me now is, that i still cannot change my graphics settings at YAST. Which, as i think, shows that these driver problems still exists (and i of course lack OpenGl nowā€¦)

No ideas ?

mhhā€¦ would you recommend to reinstall the old working NVIDIA driver ? how could i accomplish this, without yast being usable ?

This is what has happened: You installed the 180.22 driver as a kind of upgrade to the previous one. Now remains of the old driver are still on your system.
What you need to do is,
become root,
uninstall any nvidia packages with yast,
run the NVIDIAā€¦run with the --uninstall option
do: find / -name nvidia*o -print
remove all files from output EXEPT the one from the xine plugin folder
reboot (just to make sure)
again login as root, init 3, install the 180.22 driver, init 5 and youā€™re up and running.


great work ! Perfectly well structured explanation, worked smoothly !

Thanks !