After updating to the 6.10 kernel, my display is not operating properly. I have a dual monitor setup, one of which is a Sharp tv. This monitor is no longer recognized and the other monitor is limited to one resolution. The system is operating slowly. If I boot to the prior kernel, 64-bit, all works as it should. Booting to 6.10 doesn’t give me a GUI. I use startx to get a gui. Perhaps this is the wrong command? Anyway, here are some details
KDE Plasma 6.1.3
QT Version 6.7.2
Kernel 64Bit
Nvidia GeForce GT730/PCIe/SSE2
Nvidia Driver 470.256.2
Nvidia files are G05 32 bit
My instinct was to upgrade to the Nvidia G06 64Bit. But if that caused me to lose all video, I don’t know how to boot to the previous kernel. I’ve looked at a number of posts that seemed similar but none seem to answer this problem.
One easy option, continue using the 6.9.9 kernel until it is announced that NVidia drivers are available to support 6.10.x. Working NVidia drivers always lag major kernel version upgrades. If you must use 6.10.2, you may thoroughly purge the NVidia drivers, and then all displays will be recognized by the default FOSS drivers.
zypper al kernel-default
When time comes to allow, repeat using rl instead of al, or simply zypper in kernel-default
and answer selection “remove lock”. al and rl are shorthand for addlock and removelock.
Note: both the G04 and G05 Nvidia drivers are affected by the addition of the follow_pfn test in the driver kernel/ file. The patch has been out for a month, so it is difficult to explain the lag in getting the openSUSE NVidia repository updated.
Here is hope some haste is applied to the situation.
Kepler (current 550 driver) will remain usable for years. openSUSE does a good job providing drivers for older cards, even after Nvidia support reaches end of life. It’s a must for older hardware, especially in laptops, etc…
Now this will differ by disto. Some, like Arch will rely on community members to build driver packages for unsupported cards, but there are enough of the older cards out there that just about any distro will have to have some type of support for them.
Either way, the old 980GTX, or whatever you have, will continue to work for years to come.
This is @Prexy posting from a live usb. I had to create a new account because I forgot my password.
Booting to this live usb made my display problems go away. If I change the files on my hard drive to match these, will it solve the problem there as well? Searching yast for nvidia, I get this:
openSUSE-repos-MicroOS-Nvidia (installed is 20240712.dd8c2eb-1.1)
libdrm-nouveau2 (installed is 2.4.123-1.1)
xf86-video-nouveau (installed 1.0.17-6.1)
xf86-video-nv (installed 2.1.23-1.2)
# zypper info xf86-video-nv
Information for package xf86-video-nv:
Name : xf86-video-nv
Description :
nv is an Xorg driver for NVIDIA video cards.
The driver supports 2D acceleration and provides support for the
following framebuffer depths: 8, 15, 16 (except Riva128) and 24. All
visual types are supported for depth 8, TrueColor and DirectColor
visuals are supported for the other depths with the exception of the
Riva128 which only supports TrueColor in the higher depths.
IIUC, the GPUs this driver supports all date back to last century, and it is incompatible with KMS.
In recent weeks I’ve been seeing libdrm-nouveau2 listed in output from zypper pa --unneeded, so it looks like it is only required if the reverse-engineered, experimental, old technology nouveau DDX driver from xf86-video-nouveau is installed: