It should … but I’ve never actually tried to install ‘the hardway’ using his method. Typically I follow the method here: SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE
At a quick glance it looks roughly the same. I’ll give it a try. But not now … later.
I can see some wisdom in keeping the previous file in the repo instead of just replacing it and hoping for the best. I’ll not be rolling my own drivers. I’ll just hope I don’t see any problems.
Guys, I will downgrade the driver today. I am disappointed because this driver improves many things as a better framerate in Sauerbraten for example. That’s strange, some persons haven’t got the bug with Mumble.
For persons who search previous drivers, check this. It could be very useful.
Index of /mirrors/opensuse/nvidia/
Don’t forgot to change the version if you use OpenSuse 64 bit!
Well so far it’s running stable here even with my different kernel. No monkey business I didn’t have before. I am just hoping I do not have to revert due to the stock 11.3 kernel. So far I have had good luck with the Nvidia drivers from the repo. I don’t even want to think of messing with rolling my own driver every time a kernel update is released no mater how wonderful some of you think that is.
I don’t see why that was put into the stock 11.3 Nvidia repo to begin with. Seems it should have been in a repo for that different kernel.
Nvidia should provide the latest and the previous drivers in the repository, because when we have a problem it’s a mess for downgrade it.
I am installing OpenSuse with NVIDIA 256.53. I am going to share you how it works.
I can confirm the plasma-desktop crash with the latest nvidia driver from official nvidia opensuse repository.
Here, Nvidia 8400GS, Opensuse 11.3 32bit, kernel
I cannot confirm what jdmcdaniel3 wrote on post #5 becasue i’ve uninstalled nvidia driver, updated kernel to 2.6.36-rc8 from KOTD repos, downloaded 260.19.12 nvidia driver from nvidia site, installed, same crash.
Downloaded 256.53 driver from nvidia site, cannot compile against 2.6.36 kernel
Downgraded kernel to, installed without problems 256.53 driver, no more crashes.
On kde-bugs they say that crash is caused by the clock applet, or at least there happens; going to disable clock and reinstall 260.19.12 driver and see if something changes.
I can confirm also the high xorg cpu usage on 2 machine with nvidia video driver as noted by phanisvara on post #7
Hope this helps.
I installed 256.53 driver ten minutes ago and I can launch Mumble without any problems. It shows that the 260.19 brokes something.
That is fantastic. Thanks a lot.
@ Ypnose
Thank you very much for the download link: Index of /mirrors/opensuse/nvidia/
Downgrade of driver works for me fine … =)
Glad to see that it helped you. It calls the community power!
I note this on the opensuse-kde mailing list:
After a monster pile of updates, including many for KDE 4.5, I was left without the plasma desktop. A bit up experimenting and Web-hunting led me to KDE bug 251719 [1], which is deemed the fault of the nVidia driver.
I devised a work-around based on the following statement by Aaron Seigo at the end of that bug page:
“it’s crashing when the clock applet tries to get the time DataEngine. this is crashing somewhere in the library loading code in glibc. try downgrading your video driver. i don’t think this is something we can do anything about in plasma, however.”
The work-around is to remove the clock applet from the tray. I did this by finding references to it in these two files:
I simply commented out the sections of config there that mention “clock”:
#[Containments][3][Applets][11] #geometry=1684,4,180,60 #immutability=1 #plugin=digital-clock #zvalue=14 # #[Containments][3][Applets][11][Configuration] #Share=false #announceInterval=0 #calendarType=locale #defaultTimezone=Local #displayHolidays=true #holidaysRegion=us_en-us #plainClockColor=20,19,18 #plainClockFont=Sans Serif,38,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0 #showDate=true #showDay=true #showSeconds=true #showTimezone=true #showYear=false #timeZones=UTC #timezone=Local #useCustomColor=false # #[Containments][3][Applets][11][Configuration][ExtenderItems][3] #extenderIconName=view-pim-calendar #extenderItemName=calendar #extenderItemPosition=0 #extenderTitle=Calendar #isCollapsed=false #sourceAppletId=11 #sourceAppletPluginName=digital-clock
#[Containments][1][Applets][2] #geometry=6,6,256,256 #immutability=2 #plugin=clock #zvalue=0 # #[Containments][1][Applets][2][Configuration][ExtenderItems][1] #extenderIconName=view-pim-calendar #extenderItemName=calendar #extenderItemPosition=0 #extenderTitle=Calendar #isCollapsed=false #sourceAppletId=2 #sourceAppletPluginName=clock
NOTE: If you want to go back to your old clock config without reestablishing it via the panel GUI, you’ll have to save the original files (-desktop-, anyway), cause after the first launch, the commented-out config blocks were gone.
Randall Schulz
Thanks for the link. I downloaded the previous two files and am going to apply them on the test box first to make sure it works
My only issues at this time are the intermittent hanging that I always have had seems to be a bit worse. It’s still random as heck. Watching my Anime and such works fine. I have effects turned off on this machine.
I hit a snag. I copied the two files into a directory and tried to install it via the software installer but it complains.
I downloaded the files from here Index of /mirrors/opensuse/nvidia/
I believe I have the correct x11 file. The software installed does not seem to see it.
Looking at the directory again I see a miss-match in the files.
The driver is version 15 the x11 files is version 16.
Looks like no joy here. The required x11 file is not in that directory. That they all have the same time stamp doesn’t help :p. But you can always complain about free.
More info. With the matching x11 file for version 14 of the driver the software installer does not see the file. I get the same warning. How do I get the software installer to see that file?
On Sun, 24 Oct 2010 05:36:02 +0530, FlameBait <> wrote:
> I hit a snag. I copied the two files into a directory and tried to
> install it via the software installer but it complains.
> I downloaded the files from here ‘Index of
> /mirrors/opensuse/nvidia/’
> (
> I believe I have the correct x11 file. The software installed does not
> seem to see it.
> [image:]
> Looking at the directory again I see a miss-match in the files.
> The driver is version 15 the x11 files is version 16.
> Looks like no joy here. The required x11 file is not in that directory.
> That they all have the same time stamp doesn’t help :p. But you can
> always complain about free.
strange repo, where did you get that from? for installation via rpm / YAST i use this one:
by including the repo via YAST or zypper -ar. i’m not sure if YAST can resolve dependencies for rpm files that haven’t been added to it’s repositories. in any case, you’d have to install the x11 driver first.
for installing outside YAST / zypper, most people use the files, also available from the nvidia website, here:
Configure a directory on your HD as a repository. You can do this in YaST’s ‘Software Repositories’ by chosing ‘Add’ and then 'Local Directory …" And when you have created such a local repository, put the files in there and install through YaST’s ‘Software Management.’
At least this works for me. (Of course, this is not the normal way to install stuff. I just use it for loose .rpm’s etc.)
I will try this later. Playing minecraft right now The files I have are rolling way back and I really just want the previous Nvida driver so I may leave things be. I haven’t had any major problems. Iwill try adding a repo called foo for odd loose rpms.
phani I am trying to roll a machine back to the previous nvidia drivers. I have the latest from the Nvidia repo installed.
From your screenshots it appeats that you have 256.53. That is what I rolled back to as well. Not sure this qualifies as way back (Release Date: 2010.08.31), and if I am not entirely mistaken this even is the previous driver.