I’ve updated drivers from 180.44 to 180.51 through yast and I’m experiencing weird screen flickers when desktop effect are enabled. I haven’t notice such behaviour with 180.44 version. Strangely, problems are most visible when using thunderbird (when performing actions withing the window).
I’ve tried installing 185 driver series but then kde started to crash on login. nvidia site listed couple of beta drivers but I couldn’t download the recent one (185.18.10 BETA - file not found), so I used 185.18.08 BETA.
My config is KDE4.3.2 (KDE:42 repo) openSUSE 11.1 running on nvidia gtx280 video card.
Has anyone experienced similar problems? I would prefer using stable drivers, but if that is not possible, which beta drivers should I install?
Just go back to the last driver that worked if that was the case. The kde42 repo provides kde4.2.3 not 4.3.*
Are you saying it’s only an issue with Desktop Effects?
Yes, it happens only when desktop effects are enabled.
In order to install previous driver (180.44) I have to download them from nvidia site and do manual install, right? (they can’t be installed through repository?)
Not sure. You could be right. Just check in Software Management filter by Repo, select nvidia and go to the versions tab and see if it offers older versions. If not then the answer is Yes, manual install, but it’s totally easy. Just download the installer to your /home/user
Remove the installed nvidia software and then the repo. Make sure you have installed; make, gcc, kerenl-source.
Now restart and at the boot screen, pause the boot by moving the down button, then move back up and clear any text in the boot arguments by holding backspace. Then just type the number: 3
At the login
Type “root” then enter and then your root password and press enter.
now type
cd /home/username
*Now remember you can use the {TAB} key to auto complete
so type:
and the whole file name should auto complete
eg: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.44.**-pkg1.run
Follow the installer and let it compile the kernel module for you.
Say Yes to everything
Use TAB to move around
Thank you caf for your answer.
I will try repos first. I’m familiar with manual install as I’ve installed beta drivers before.
It’s just that I had this kind of behaviour with ati drivers (meaning new version breaking system funcionality). I was kind of hoping it won’t be the same with nvidia.