nvedia last update crash cinnamon, how downgrad (retrive update). why this happend?

my system continue two graphic card (Intel + NVIDIA).
using prime-select to change between them.
i keep intel most of time.
during use intel i do next steps (the update).

i run next two command
zypper lp “to know what important security update available”
zypper lu “to know avalibale update”
the result of zypper lp was only for libyui (when search find it connect to user icon “graphic” system) plus man-pages.
the results of zypper lu is:

S | Repository                                                   | Name                      | Current Version               | Available Version             | Arch
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui-ncurses-pkg15      | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui-ncurses15          | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui-qt-graph15         | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui-qt-pkg15           | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui-qt15               | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | libyui15                  | 4.1.4-3.3.1                   | 4.1.5-3.6.1                   | x86_64
v | Update repository with updates from SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 | man-pages                 | 4.16-11.35                    | 4.16-13.3.1                   | noarch
v | nVidia Graphics Drivers                                      | nvidia-computeG04         | 390.144-lp153.25.1            | 390.144-lp153.31.1            | x86_64
v | nVidia Graphics Drivers                                      | nvidia-gfxG04-kmp-default | 390.144_k5.3.18_57-lp153.25.1 | 390.144_k5.3.18_57-lp153.31.1 | x86_64
v | nVidia Graphics Drivers                                      | nvidia-glG04              | 390.144-lp153.25.1            | 390.144-lp153.31.1            | x86_64
v | nVidia Graphics Drivers                                      | x11-video-nvidiaG04       | 390.144-lp153.25.1            | 390.144-lp153.31.1            | x86_64 



so i update the system using next command:

after that i reboot the system and find cinnamon crashed, on cinnamon fallback mode.

sudo zypper up

so i try downgrade (back to old NVIDIA version) using yast, but when go to the package version in yast under NVIDIA package can not find the old version.
also i find some article subject using next command to revert the update(but both command return they can not find the package):

sudo zypper in --oldpackage package-name
sudo zypper in --oldpackage nvidia-computeG04-390.144-lp153.25.1
sudo zypper in --oldpackage nvidia-computeG04=390.144-lp153.25.1


so i go to yast, uninstall NVIDIA package, delete the NVIDIA repository. reboot the system and find cinnamon work. then i think adding NVIDIA repository again will bring back the old version of drivers, but that not happens. and install same new version. so i reboot after installation finish but this time cinnamon work normal.

note: normally i did not change to NVIDIA card but after that i change to it and after finish i turnoff the laptop without back to intel (set to NVIDIA and turnoff). so when i come to open the device a gain i can not log in, as the mouse can not cross the middle of screen also it can move in the down the right direction behind the screen real dimension. so i use terminal set device to use intel reboot and every thing work good again.

so why this happen? did i should flag NVIDIA drivers and system kernel with do not change (protected flag)?
also is there’s way to downgrade drivers version?

nVidia repositories do not keep the old versions. This is different from own openSUSE update repositories which keep every update.

If you are using btrfs for root filesystem and enabled snapshots, you can revert back to previous snapshot before update to check whether it helps.

so next command are coreect and work with open suse rep. but can not work with NVIDIA repo.

sudo zypper in --oldpackage package-name
sudo zypper in --oldpackage nvidia-computeG04-390.144-lp153.25.1
sudo zypper in --oldpackage nvidia-computeG04=390.144-lp153.25.1

many thanks for you.