NUMLOCK configuration not taken into account


Cannot have numlock set to on at boot time or re-login
I have open a bug report but have no any solution.

Any help is welcome.

Try setting it in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard

or, try in /etc/sddm.conf

(see man sddm.conf for the latter)

Actually, check this from dcurtisfra:

After reading your two posts, I first try using yast2, to change option (returning to bios value) in yast2/sysconfig editor/hardware/keyboard/kbd_numlock

I got this error :

cannot determine service state systemd, service does not exist: kbd

when validating change.

In /etc/ssdm.conf, adding


Do the job.
This is definitely a bug because this behavior was configured in “/etc/sysconfig/keyboard/kbd_numlock = yes” and was also configured in KDE using systemsettings5 in “System settings/Hardware/Input Devices/Keyboard/Hardware/Numlock on Plasma startup = Turn On”