Now Unable to Set Up NFS Client

Using Leap 42.1 with KDE Desktop and using Yast to create an NFS client for NAS NFS server.

Having entered the ip address of the NAS server I can browse and select required server directory and similarly browse and select the required local directory but when I confirm and finish I get an error message:-

Unable to mount NFS entries from /etc/fstab

I cannot recall when I last did this but afaik I have done what I always did and it used to work. Where should I look for errors please?


Start with the /etc/fstab file sounds like a problem there.

If they can be mounted successfully after boot using

mount -a

then it is likely that the remote mount is attempted before the network is up perhaps. You could try using ‘noauto’ option so that the mount is only attempted when accessed. The ‘_netdev’ fstab option can also be used to delay mounting until the network is up.

Unable to mount NFS entries from /etc/fstab

Then at least SHOW us those /etc/fstab entries.

Yes of course but it looked OK to me. Here is my /etc/fstab

alastair@ibmserver2:/etc> cat fstab
UUID=46f191b6-7472-49c0-bd98-75824020d947       swap    swap    defaults 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /       btrfs   defaults 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /boot/grub2/i386-pc     btrfs   subvol=boot/grub2/i386-pc 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /boot/grub2/x86_64-efi  btrfs   subvol=boot/grub2/x86_64-efi 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /opt    btrfs   subvol=opt 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /srv    btrfs   subvol=srv 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /tmp    btrfs   subvol=tmp 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /usr/local      btrfs   subvol=usr/local 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/crash      btrfs   subvol=var/crash 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/lib/mailman        btrfs   subvol=var/lib/mailman 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/lib/named  btrfs   subvol=var/lib/named 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/lib/pgsql  btrfs   subvol=var/lib/pgsql 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/log        btrfs   subvol=var/log 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/opt        btrfs   subvol=var/opt 0 0 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/spool      btrfs   subvol=var/spool 0 0                 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /var/tmp        btrfs   subvol=var/tmp 0 0                   
UUID=B738-D576  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0002,utf8=true 0 0                                             
UUID=4ceac2e7-6bdc-40d2-9dff-da7a2099bf45       /home   xfs     defaults 1 2                                 
UUID=a5a2612d-d0cb-4b05-a3cf-cc95ecd0235b       /.snapshots     btrfs   subvol=.snapshots 0 0                                                                                      
UUID=4272b75a-ea72-4068-8826-e2dfc5611fd5       /data   xfs     defaults 1 2                                                                                                   /home/alastair/Nas_Multimedia_NFS       nfs     defaults 0 0                                                                                       

The last item is the problem mount. Could it be a permissions issue? Would there be more detail in a log somewhere?

But you ask for help! Thus it might be possible that you miss something. Thus it is not very important that you assume something being OK. It is important to let those you ask to assess as much as possible. Only so others can be able to lay hand on something you missed. Helpers need facts, not conclusions.

Further, it is important that people get some feeling about what you are doing and what the environment is, you are working in. That increases understanding from both sides. We can now e.g. ask things about what we know with the names you use (like mountpoints, etc.) instead of writing long stories like: “Can you do a manual mount by only using the device part of the mount parameters”. Below is much more to the point IMHO for you and us.

You could at least get some error messages by mounting manualy from the CLI. As root:


You might also check your permissions on /Multimedia

Also maybe that net is not up at mount use nofail or noauto parameter

Note if you use NetworkManager be sure that you have set all user may connect to this network this will bring it up earlier

I have re-read and re-read what you wrote and do not quite understand it. That may be my language barrier.

Is what you describe all happening in YaST > System > Partitioner? And is that error message which you quote, (but not as CODE) from YaST?

When yes, that means that the fstab entry is made by YaST, but that YaST then reports that it can not use it. Thus this assumption fit with what you see?

Hi Henk, understood and sorry to have fired off a vague plea for help. It was done in frustration because something that used to work stopped. I have been trying to work out what changes I have made to the system but I do not have the time for when NFS share was last working.

I have tried to mount as root and the result is here:-

ibmserver2:~ # mount
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
ibmserver2:~ # 

Looks to me like a user permission problem at the NAS end but I believe permissions are OK. Will dig deeper in case it is a capitalisation issue with my user name but there are no log messages that an nfs share has been refused.
Thanks again,

What does the following report?

showmount -e

You might want to share your exports defined on the server as well.

Do not get confused. This is not a permission problem like you may have after the mount is done. The server will not allow the mount at all. Please follow deano_ferrari’s advice.

Here is the result of your command:-

ibmserver2:~ # showmount -e
Export list for
/Network Recycle Bin 1  
ibmserver2:~ # 

These are the exports defined on the server if I understand you correctly.
There are several threads on this on the QNap forum but I have not yet found answer there. Sorry for the delay, just had my trusty IBM 220 monitor die and been trying to sort out replacement.

Did you make any progress with this yet? Check the options/permissions (NFS sever) you have in the /etc/exports configuration file.

I forgot you have a NAS device (using NFS), so ignore last post. However, you’ll still need to check access permissions configured in the device.

Hi Deano, many thanks once more. My problem was that over a year ago I set up permitted IP addresses for the NAS shared folder but this share fell into disuse. I later changed my subnet architecture and all the addresses were changed but I had forgotten about the NAS setup. All sorted now thanks. Budgie2

Yes, it’s easy to forget these things. Glad to have been of help. :slight_smile: