Hi All
New screen layout… second one is using MultiMC5 and Nvidia render offload to play minecraft…
https://thumbs2.imagebam.com/ac/f8/b7/66d1d41358312350.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/66d1d41358312350) https://thumbs2.imagebam.com/ff/5b/e5/9823da1358312353.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/9823da1358312353)
Nothing so fancy however it is Thanksgiving season here in the US so this
I have been playing with Enlightenment (E24) this month.
So here is my desktop of the day
Xfce 4.16 pre1 on tumbleweed on an old lcd tv as monitor.
Those all look good Not long to turkey time in isolation
So, render offload working… have Minecraft running on the GT710 and glChAoSP rendering on the GT1030 I just got, all the rest using the CPU intel based GPU I’m using the 5.8.15 kernel on my Tumbleweed setup, aside from the Nvidia issue, the 5.9.x kernel broke IOMMU groups, need to wait for the 5.10.x series for the fix…