Novell Client installation

I have just installed openSuse 10.3 and I’m liking it. I would like to install Novell client the one I was using previously in Suse Desktop is failing to install. Please help.

It would help massively if you were to post logs and error messages regarding the failure.

  • sachieng,

better ask over on the Novell server, where the Novell client specialists hang out:


There is a beta available specifically for 10.3. you can find it here : public beta for Novell Client for Linux 2.0 SP1
Any feedback that you can give them on found bugs will be of great value :wink:

At the moment Novell is also assisting in making a new client that will also work on openSUSE 11.0 (looking at using a different approach to how the modules get built as also to make it easier to install/adjust for future versions of openSUSE).

Have a look here for some more info : Access Denied

Good luck,

Thanxs for the great advice… By the way look at the error log below and see whether you can help.

Achinux:~/Suse/Client/ncl_build_711/NCL_disk # ./ncl_install

[ncl_install] ncl_install v2.0 started
[ncl_install] mode = upgrade
[ncl_install] option =

[ncl_install] This script uses the following RPM options:
[ncl_install] -U
[ncl_install] For a description of these options,
[ncl_install] see the RPM documentation.

[ncl_install] Upgrading the Novell Client for Linux.
[ncl_install] Please wait…

[ncl_install] Upgrading nici…
[ncl_install] nici-2.7.0-0.01 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-nmasclient…
[ncl_install] novell-nmasclient-3.2.0-9 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-xtier-base…
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by novell-xtier-base-3.1.4-4.sles10.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-xtier-base rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-xtier-core…
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-xtier-base is needed by novell-xtier-core-3.1.4-4.sles10.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-xtier-core rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-novfs…
[ncl_install] novell-novfs-1.2.0-17 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-novfsd…
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-xtier-core is needed by novell-novfsd-1.2.0-8.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-novfsd rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-xplatlib…
[ncl_install] novell-xplatlib-1.0.2-5 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-ui-base…
[ncl_install] novell-ui-base-1.2.0-323.code10 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-qtgui…
error: Failed dependencies:
kdelibs3 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-qtgui rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-client-script…
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by novell-client-script-1.2.0-38.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-client-script rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading yast2-novell-client…
[ncl_install] yast2-novell-client-1.2.0-12 is already installed - upgrade is not needed.

[ncl_install] Upgrading novell-client…
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-client-script is needed by novell-client-1.2.0-2.i586
novell-novfsd is needed by novell-client-1.2.0-2.i586
novell-qtgui is needed by novell-client-1.2.0-2.i586
novell-xtier-base is needed by novell-client-1.2.0-2.i586
novell-xtier-core is needed by novell-client-1.2.0-2.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-client rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Do you want to upgrade
[ncl_install] the optional novell-konqueror-plugin rpm?
[ncl_install] (y/n) y

[ncl_install] Upgrading (optional rpm) novell-konqueror-plugin…
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586 is needed by novell-konqueror-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-konqueror-plugin rpm failed.

[ncl_install] Do you want to upgrade
[ncl_install] the optional novell-nautilus-plugin rpm?
[ncl_install] (y/n) y

[ncl_install] Upgrading (optional rpm) novell-nautilus-plugin…
error: Failed dependencies:
novell-qtgui is needed by novell-nautilus-plugin-1.2.0-323.code10.i586
[ncl_install] ERROR: Upgrade of the novell-nautilus-plugin rpm failed.

You get these erros using the Beta nwcl 2.0 SP1 version?
I’m asking this because I remember the errors when trying to install the old nwcl for openSUSE 10.1 on a 10.2 machine…

Anyway, the ‘kdelibs3 is needed by novell-qtgui-1.2.0-323.code10.i586’ is indicating you probably only have GNOME installed -therefor missing the kde base libs- & as the Beta page specifies ;

Known Issue

If you are running GNOME on openSUSE 10.3 and you are using the ncl_install script you will first need to make sure you install kdelib3 and novfs from the OS installation source. If you install it as an add on product it will pull these dependencies in automatically.

Have you followed those steps? (option 1, install kdelib3 and novfs manually, or option 2 , use the add-on option to add the client install files as product/repro instead of running the install manually).


As an extra note, if you only want to connect to Novell volumes, you don’t need the Novell client. There is also the option of installing ncpfs (found in the standard repros).
With this module you can make a mount to a ncp volume.

An old thread but gives info on how it works : Linux Open Suse And Netware 4.1 - openSUSE Forums

Also, if you want to manage your Novell servers there is also the option of using iManager 2.7 (workstation version) combined with NRM (Remote Manager). These tools should give enough ’ power’ to do many tasks.
Find iMan_27_workstation_linux.tar.bz2 here : NOVELL: Downloads - iManager 2.7

There are however limitations like not being able to administer Groupwise and ZenWorks objects…
Other than that it works much smoother than using the Novell client / ConsoleOne setup on Linux.

I keep a XP VM on my laptop so I can run ConsoleOne and other Windows oriented tools from it. Makes for a flexible combination.

Just wanted to add that thought :slight_smile:


By the way thanks for the great tips… I managed to install novell client after installing the libkde4 package. Could you be having an idea why when I boot my machine I get this error “The novfs kernel loadable module is not installed correctly” even though when I check through the system the file is installed.

Did you add it to /etc/sysconfig/kernel MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT="" ?

Getting the client installed and able to log into a network to view my map drives, good. Could someone tell me how to get the Novell Linux Client to load first to work with zenworks DLU?

Hi Matt, AFAIK there is no DLU function in openSUSE/SLED as you have with Windows / ZenWorks for Desktops.
LUM (Linux User Management) is the Linux variant. You could also set the Linux workstation to authenticate against LDAP/eDirectory.

Also drop a post in the Novell forums (NOVELL FORUMS)

Hope that helps,

thanks, Magic13. I will take a look at LUM and get it configured. Do I need to have linux client install to authenticate with LDAP/eDirectory?

These two articles may help… LUM is only supported on SLES/SLED/OES, and officially only OES does LUM ‘out of the box’ at the moment.

These articles might help:
LUM on SLES/SLED : Configuring Linux User Management on non-OES2, SLES 10 Servers | Novell User Communities

Setting up LDAP auth: Ldap authentication from a wireless connection on a laptop - openSUSE Forums

LDAP auth can be setup using YaST’s User Management module.
