would like to have the notifications at the bottom right only.
have tried set notifications in system tray always visible but no help.
this seems to happen after a kde error is reported (something like desktop could not be found, but not remember exactly). bottom default panel was lost and manually recreated.
Would be nice if you started your thread with telling which level of openSUSE you use and which desktop environment. After studying your pictures, it could be 12.3 and KDE, but helping people is allready puzzling enough. You should not add additional puzzles except when you want to shy potential helpers away from your thread of course
You seem to have 2 panels (2 notification plasmoids) now.
I guess the easiest way to fix this would be to remove the file ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc and reconfigure plasma from scratch.
If you don’t want to do that, please post the file and I’ll tell you what to remove exactly.