On 2014-09-02 10:04, flymail wrote:
> On 2014-09-01, Carlos E. R. <> wrote:
>> On 2014-09-01 16:46, flymail wrote:
>>> There are good and bad things about the review. Personally I think he’s 100% right to comment that the NVIDIA/AMD
>>> repos/one-click installs should have been properly sorted out before 13.1 went gold.
>> It is apparently impossible.
> If what you say is true, then the system of release is wholly deficient. For an operating system to be released without
> even the most basic necessities, such as graphics drivers, ready is just farcical. Surely it’s trivial to package the
> binaries compiled with the relevant headers once the Linux kernel version has been established? I guess not.
Sigh… How many thousand times do we have to explain this?
It is not trivial at all, because it is plain illegal… They have to
use tricks. Generating the rpms is almost trivial to anyone that knows
how to do rpms proficiently. Publishing them is not.
You plain simple can not publish those rpms on the openSUSE own
infrastructure, because then the kernel people will sue openSUSE or put
us on a black list and stop collaboration with openSUSE⁽¹⁾. That would
be terrible and the end of openSUSE as an important Linux distribution.
And Nvidia people (I don’t know what’s the AMD situation is) point blank
refuse to create the rpms themselves. They say that you are to use the
…run file, and run it yourself, as user, on your own machine. Anything
else is not supported by them⁽²⁾.
As a favour to us, they kindly host the rpms that somebody else
generates and sends to them⁽²⁾, probably by email, but could be a cd rom
on surface mail by all I know. And as this is a favour, it is done
manually, and needs authorization each time and some people actually
doing it.
Just be thankful that the procedure works at all. .-|
(1) You can locate this information on the mail list when they said
they would sue. I’m not inventing it.
(2) You can find written proof of this in a readme file in the nvidia
ftp site.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” at Telcontar)