Not booting after install

I have completed the installation on to my computer with an existing Windows 10 installation. On completing the install and rebooting it opens Windows and I can’t see how to get it to boot into Opensuse.

During the installation there was a dialog box to say that there was no efi partition. I assumed this might be OK and clicked yes to continue. After the install completed there was another message to say that there was no boot partition so it may not boot. I assume this is the problem.

I follow the procedure out lined in this web page, using Opensuse instead of Ubuntu. I partitioned the drive from Windows as described then booted to the USB stick from there. I resized both Windows partitions on the two drives then allocated the free space to new partitions for / and /home.

What should I do/have done to sort this out? Thanks for any advice.


This is your issue.

It probably said that there is no EFI partition of size at least 256M. So you booted the installer with UEFI, but it cannot boot the installed system because of that.

There are two possibilities here:

(1) Windows does not use UEFI booting. In that case, you must tell the installer to not use UEFI. You have to go into the “Booting” section of install, and tell it to use “GRUB2” rather than “GRUB2 for EFI”.

(2) Windows does use UEFI booting. In this case, which I am guess applies, there is an EFI partition but the installer thinks it is too small to use. You have to either allow the installer to create a larger EFI partition, or you have to use the expert partition to tell it to mount the existing EFI partition at “/boot/efi”.

Sorry, but either way that probably means a reinstall.

On a system all has to be EFI based, or nothing has to be EFI based.

So first check if your original system(with Windows) did EFI boot.
When yes, you should also boot the installation medium using EFI. When no, you should NOT boot your installaion medium in EFI mode.

The installed openSUSE will using EFI when tje installation medium was booted in EFI mode (and not when it was not).

The fact that the installation asked for the EFI partition means IMHO that the medium was installed in EFI mode, but that the system is not EFI.

So better check first f the system uses EFI or not.

Hi, thanks for the advice.

I pretty sure that there is an EFI partition so I can try to reinstall and try mounting the partition as /boot/efi as suggested.

When you have an EFI partition, then the installer should have found it. This seems not to be the case.

Better wait for answers from people knowing more. It could be that your EFI partition is deviating from what the installer expects.

The Leap 15.2 installer expects the EFI partition to be at least 256M in size, and complains if it is smaller.

Perhaps the OP would like to try the Leap 15.3 release candidate. They fixed that installer problem, so with Leap 15.3 it should accept a smaller existing EFI partition.

Reinstalled. There is an EFI partition but it’s only 100Mb, however I allocated the mount point /boot/efi to this partition and reinstalled. Now seems to be working OK. I probably have other questions but not related to this thread, so I will ask elsewhere. Thanks for all assistance

We are glad to hear that you have it working. And thanks for reporting back.

100 MiB ESP is standard for Windows installation.
Do not format it with Leap 15.2 installer.

It is possible to override that, but avoid doing this.

It is possible to load openSUSE installer in one mode, and install in another. Again, avoid doing this.