The update to NoScript introduced some changes to the anti-xss cross site scripting protection.
This has resulting in the “redirection shuffle” that performs at log-in as being flagged as “suspicious” by NoScript.
My attempts at creating an exception rule for NoScript have so far failed… I’m just not “geeky” enough I guess.
The following errors occurred with your submission
You must select a thread prefix.
There should really be a thread prefix “All” or “Not Applicable”)
In the mean time, it is possible to choose a "load it even if it looks dangerous " (or something like that) from the menu button at right.
I’m still at with noscript. It updates too often for me to bother trying to keep up.
Recently, I have been using “konqueror” for the forum.
Issue fixed with the upcoming release of NoScript.
Release candidate is here if anyone wants it:
I’m currently using that release with no apparent problems…
Thanks. I’ll wait for that one before I update my older version.
Just saw your reply to gogalthorp Can't log into forum with Fire Fox - Applications - openSUSE Forums (you must type faster than me…)
which reminded me…
The version is up at AMO now… from posts on the NoScript forum it seems a lot of sites were flagging false positives.