There’s nothing to redirect to the desktop, there’s no journactl logs.
As I mentioned before…I chose their new snap app from I was thinking of using their traditional install but I don’t like installing things without a package manager since I don’t like cleaning things up latter when removing or upgrading etc which is why I chose snap here.
Thanks for your input.
You must be kidding or having read some different post. Because the post you replied to explained how to install using package manager.
Yes, my bad. I’ve use yast so often that I just forgot that suse / zypper is rpm based? I think you can rpm -i file.rpm but is that the recommended way on suse? Or use zypper directly so it can handle deps? I’ve not ever needed to do this since the suse repo/s have had everything I’ve needed for the most part.
Actually I think everything I have is either in flatpak or snap, I was thinking of switching over to kapla to test it out.
Zypper is suse equivalent to yum?
Thanks for point out my misunderstanding.
zypper is based on RPM. You cannot use zypper without using rpm (actually, zypper invokes rpm). The only value zypper adds is automatic dependencies download.
Yes, zypper supports installing local RPM file.
It runs in namespace with restricted environment. It is quite possible that snap is not prepared for /etc/resolv.conf
being symlink to the netconfig managed file, which explains “permissions denied”. Again, you are not forced to use netconfig, nothing stops you from managing /etc/resolv.conf
I agree but it’s not a dns issue, as stated many post ago support had me set the dns servers manually for the nordvpn daemon and it didn’t work. Nor are any of the logs they ask for present …so it’s something with their snap.
I’ll install using the method above.
Again, thanks for your input.
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