Hello, I’m new and trying to figure out first stuff like if the “community” will help me or just tell me to upgrade to a newer release. Running 10.1. Looking at ftp.suse.com I don’t see any updates for 11. Is there an ftp site where I can get 11 updates? Thanks
You’re likely to be advised to upgrade for the reason, you’ll have later apps/libs which may already have bug fixes for known bugs.
Also iirc 10.1 had a horrible yast bug and made me resort to smart.
10.1 also has been discontinued and many (if not most) of the repositories have been taken down.
Also the software management in 10.1 was a total mess as previously stated.
Please, do upgrade - it’s a much better world in 11.x
Sounds like you want to upgrade to 11.1 but don’t know how. Even if that is not what you mean, with no support for 10.1, you may have to upgrade. You should be able to do that with no problem. I have 11.2 Alpha0 running on a very old machine.
The first thing you must do is backup your documents. Settings for 10.1 will not likely work in 11.1 so no great loss if you can’t save those. The best thing would be to save them off of your computer’s hard drive so you can format the drive.
Next, download the DVD and do a fresh install. It may well ask if you want to upgrade rather than a new install. I would do a new install, not an upgrade. Another way is to download the mini-iso and install from it. This is a small download and the install is done over the internet, so you need a fast connection.
You might and I stress might, be able to just change the repos to the 11.1 repos and do an ordinary update through yast. You would need to change 4 repos to do that. But I wouldn’t try that unless someone else here tells you if it will work. If it does work, it might be the most difficult way since you certainly would see dependency problems.