No Wireless, Wired is Fine, Newbie, New Install

Yes there is the RJ45 socket and network cable icon
If I click there I can select

  • TomWirelessHome
  • Other Network
  • Enable Wireless (which is checked)
  • Manage Wireless connections

I don’t know what I’m missing, I’m so close.

TomWirelessHome (my wireless) says activating but never completes activation. After a minute it goes to “Secrets for TomWirelessHome”.
If I click on TomWirelessHome I see Type, Interface, … Status “Preparing to Connect”

What do you recommend?

I have a feeling there have been some issues with this intel device, but I just can’t recall for sure.

Hence, I am also unsure what you should do.
If it were me, I would try taking out encryption to see if that is an issue here. I wouldn’t want to run it like that, but it may or may not be the problem.
I would also consider trying to configure via ifup rather than with networkmanager.
Also, some users have had better results moving from the networkmanager to the networkmanager-plasmoid (you need to remove networkmanager and install the plasmoid)

I need more confidence from this thread.

I have been acclimating myself to OSS11.3 on live CD. I looked inside YaST for a way to install the driver for my NetGear WG311v3 w/marvell chipset. Yast showed me a window with the wireless card listed that says I have to use NetworkConnection manager to configure it. I tried to start up Network Connection Mgr 3X, but nothing comes up. In the network mgr., the wireless tab is greyed out.

Is the live CD limited in nature or is there something serious I should know - like I have to download the app, but I have no connection to do it?! If I install OSS11.3 now, then I will only have windoze for wireless comms.

I believe that my present wireless card is causing system instabilities in both linux/windoz, another subject, but right now, please let me know what’s going on with that live CD that I can’t bring up Network connection mgr? Thanks in advance!

On 08/19/2010 05:36 PM, HealingMindNOS wrote:
> I need more confidence from this thread.
> I have been acclimating myself to OSS11.3 on live CD. I looked inside
> YaST for a way to install the driver for my NetGear WG311v3 w/marvell
> chipset. Yast showed me a window with the wireless card listed that says
> I have to use NetworkConnection manager to configure it. I tried to
> start up Network Connection Mgr 3X, but nothing comes up. In the network
> mgr., the wireless tab is greyed out.
> Is the live CD limited in nature or is there something serious I should
> know - like I have to download the app, but I have no connection to do
> it?! If I install OSS11.3 now, then I will only have windoze for
> wireless comms.
> I believe that my present wireless card is causing system instabilities
> in both linux/windoz, another subject, but right now, please let me know
> what’s going on with that live CD that I can’t bring up Network
> connection mgr? Thanks in advance!

If your WG311v3 uses external firmware, it is likely that the CD does not have
what is needed. As I recall, Netgear has used several different chips in that
device. The only way to tell for sure which you have is for you to reboot the
Live CD, open a terminal and issue the command ‘/sbin/lspci -nnk’. Find the
lines that describe the Netgear device, and post them here. In particular, I
need the numbers inside ] near the end of the first line for the device. You
should also run the command ‘dmesg | grep firmware’ to see what firmware might
be needed.

from /sbin/lspci -nnk:

01:06.0 Ethernet Controller [0200]: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11 b/g Wireless [11ab:1faa] (rev 03)

Pardon my belated response. When I attempted to copy the info to my HD, I got the message in (dolphin? konquerer?) that it can’t read from a block device. “Would you like to install the app?” I said yes, then it couldn’t find it and asked me to go to a repository to get it. Oh Gawd. I had to write it all down manually. I hope I got it right.

For some reason, Network Manager connection editor app won’t come out - suggested by Yast to fix it in the first place. Please tell me that these problems I’m experiencing are atypical. Thanks in advance.

P.S. Nothing happened when I ran “dmesg | grep firmware” the cursor just went to the next line

It would have been nice if you had simply referred me to one of your stickies: Getting Your Wireless to Work. Now, I have to seriously consider if OpenSUSE is right for me considering the type of forum I have to deal with.

HealingMindNOS wrote:
> I have to seriously consider if OpenSUSE is right for me
> considering the type of forum I have to deal with.

considering the type of forum ?? maybe you should demand your forum
support money be returned to you.

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]

On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 04:36:02 +0000, HealingMindNOS wrote:

> It would have been nice if you had simply referred me to one of your
> stickies: ‘Getting Your Wireless to Work’ (

It’s entirely possible that those participating in the thread assumed you
had done so, since one of the points of a sticky is so users can read it
before asking a question and potentially get their question answered
before they even ask it. :slight_smile:

> Now, I have to seriously consider if OpenSUSE is right for me
> considering the type of forum I have to deal with.

A peer-to-peer (in general) users helping users support forum? One where
users generally try to be helpful to one another? You seem to have
gotten a fair amount of honest attempts to assist you, even though rather
than start your own thread, you jumped in on someone else’s.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

Are you saying that it’s bad etiquette to participate in a thread where I’m experiencing a similar problem?

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 03:06:01 +0000, HealingMindNOS wrote:

> Are you saying that it’s bad etiquette to participate in a thread where
> I’m experiencing a similar problem?

Not at all. I’m saying it’s bad etiquette to make remarks such as the
ones you did about the help people provided, that’s all.

We welcome all comers here, but in general it’s considered discourteous
to thank people for the help by saying “I have to seriously consider if
OpenSUSE is right for me considering the type of forum I have to deal
with.” because they didn’t point you to a sticky post that was made
sticky so it would stand out and be one of the things that people would
read before asking for help - that’s all.

You have to admit it would be a little redundant for the first reply to
every question to be “Did you read the sticky post in the forum and see
if that helped?” - it seems to me that it should be a pretty safe
assumption that people asking for help have tried the standard suggested
help that’s included in the sticky post, no?


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at