No Wireless BCM4321


Here is my problem, I have BCM 4321 wireless card. I know the computer recognized it as the 4328 which is incorrect and is mentioned on the Broadcom website for installing the driver as a common problem requiring me “blacklisting the other drivers”.

Problem is, I don’t know how to install it correctly. I have tried to use Broadcom’s instructions as well as the Packman package. Does anyone have some insight for me.

Here is some more info as well:
I am running 11.3 in KDE
I am using network manager and the wireless section is grayed out.
My wireless card will not “turn on” with the manual switch.
I am a novice at Linux and Unix commands.

Also, I know this is the wireless section but my wired internet is running REALLY slow like dial-up speeds. Any advice? I have both Ipv 4 and 6 enabled.

I am not very skilled in that wireless things but I think the linux drivers for Broadcom cards with the Draft-802.11n or real 802.11n (wireless n) stuff are just under development.

Yours is probably a
“Intensi-fi Gigabit Ethernet Draft-802.11n Processor”
BCM4321 datasheet pdf datenblatt - Broadcom Corporation. - Intensi-fi Gigabit Ethernet Draft-802.11n Processor ::: ALLDATASHEET :::

If there would be something already working (I do not know it) probably this instruction would help:
Install Broadcom Drivers from Packman
Especially you would have to add not only one file but also a second file that fits your kernel (I think it is called a kernel module).

I will add two tags underneath maybe you find something fitting there or if you search just for the keywords broadcom, broadcom bcm4321 and maybe 802.11n or wireless n?

Have a lot of luck

I would need to see the result of

/sbin/lspci -nnk

to give a clear answer

Webpin: distro=openSUSE_113&searchTerm=broadcom-wl

shows me one driver “broadcom-wl ( Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips)”
which you probably need
and 5 different kernel modules (of those you probably you only a decent one and only that one that fits your so called kernel flavor)

broadcom-wl-kmp-default (
Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips
broadcom-wl-kmp-desktop (
Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips
broadcom-wl-kmp-desktop (
Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips
broadcom-wl-kmp-pae (
Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips
broadcom-wl-kmp-xen (
Wireless driver for Broadcom 43xx series of chips

Could you go to your system monitor (or whatever it is called in KDE - Computer?) and determine your systems kernel flavor?

Or could open a terminal/console (like konsole in KDE) and use the terminal command

uname -a

like in the caf4926’s description in Install Broadcom Drivers from Packman?


Hi freeradical9,

in the time I wrote my second posting real help was appearing.

I think you should just try to follow caf4926’s posting (in this case: to detemin your device).
He is more skilled than me.

If you would need a ‘translation’ of from a not so skilled - just ‘cry’ by posting here or by personal message :wink:
