Hi, and thanks for your replies.
I’ve tried a couple of speed test sites and, like I mentioned before, they all stall on the upload test.
I know the router and broadband link are fine, as I can connect, send and receive email and otherwise do normal stuff on an alternative (WinXP) machine - as I could until last Thursday (26/1/12) on this machine.
I’m using Firefox 9.0.1 and Thunderbird 9.0, I experience the annoying Nepomuk triple ‘service failure’ warning pop-up bug, the mouse pointer control occasionally undergoes a go-slow for a minute at a time (usually once per session), and when my wife re-opens her account after switching-user she gets a ‘do you really want to disable keyboard?’ dialogue. Despite having specified nm-applet in ‘start-up’, KDE insists on using plasma widgets in the system tray (which are, admittedly, slightly improved in 4.7.4) - it was for a while showing a blank space (no nm-applet icon), which could be opened to reveal nm-applet, but now that’s gone.
I’m currently connected via wireless, but it makes no odds if I use ethernet.
I’d like to test email without Firefox (which results in a SMTP server timeout, after producing a % complete bar that depends on the size of the file: smaller file = higher %), but Kmail crashes with the ‘fails to fetch resource collection’ error (I’ve tried to set ‘local files’ in Akonadi resource configuration, but it doesn’t accept any folders I point it at) - so, is there a command line email tool?
I’ve tested FTP (Filezilla 3.5.1) and I can upload files smaller than ~1kB; anything larger fails.
Is there any other command-line system info I could retrieve that might help me discover where the network connection issue might be? I think it unlikely to be a hardware issue, more likely configuration, but I’m really stuck.
thanks - JS