No support on Motherboard. Only basic opening

Put the disk in (checked M5) to install on new computer. It didn’t work. So looked around and updated BIOS. The good news was that after that update I could access my hard drive which had Linux mint on through a piece of software. SO I thought I had cracked it. Sadly this morning I didn’t. But I had gone onto the motherboard Gygabyte site and this is the motherboard
What it did tell me at the bottom of the listings was this - Due to different Linux support condition provided by chipset vendors, please download Linux driver from chipset vendors’ website or 3rd party website.
I have no idea where to start with this statement.

However I ran the disk again this morning and as usual the enter page came up (sorry didn’t mention I could get this far) and I clicked on Kwheezy failsafe link. Behold the operating system. Unfortunately it couldn’t access the internet. I have a whole terrabyte to put linux on as I use Linux more than windows as its far more secure. This also was the same for Linux Mint.

Any advice please would be welcome.

Which GigaByte Motherboard do you have? – the URL posted is not complete . . .