No Splash Screen

Hi all, I have opensuse 11.0 and every time the computer i can’t see the splash screen. All i can see is a terminal with lots of camnds flashing past.

The green splash screen just wont display. I know it is only a minor issue but i am using opensuse 11 in a public place and it looks very unprofessional.

P.s The splash screen never worked and i have been looking everywhere for a solution

Thanks For Any Help :):slight_smile:

Do you have any USB hard drives connected? I don’t know if this was fixed or not, but with an external HD connected the splash would not show up.

Also, do you have splash=silent as one of your boot option?

No, i don’t have any USB drive connected and my boot option is set to silent

OK. Either open a konsole window or switch to init 3. Type in: makeinitrd -s 1024768. I think you need to be root to have this work. This will reset your splash screen. You can try and change the 1024768 to another resolution, although that is the one that works the best for me.

There is also more information here (I know old, but still might help):Bootsplash - openSUSE Forums

On Tue, 2008-10-14 at 18:36 +0000, adrian007 wrote:
> Hi all, I have opensuse 11.0 and every time the computer i can’t see the
> splash screen. All i can see is a terminal with lots of camnds flashing
> past.
> The green splash screen just wont display. I know it is only a minor
> issue but i am using opensuse 11 in a public place and it looks very
> unprofessional.
> P.s The splash screen never worked and i have been looking everywhere
> for a solution

There might not be a solution. Usually this uses a framebuffer device
to display the graphical splash. If, for whatever reason, framebuffer
graphics are not available, it will likely revert to plain ole vga

Are you getting a high resolution text display? If so, then chances
are the splash screen resolution is not correct.

Actually it’s ‘mkinitrd’.

go to yast system bootloader select the default suse and choose edit and enter the value corresponding to you screen in vga mode:

Colours   640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
  4 bits |    ?       ?     0x302      ?        ?        ?         ?
  8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x303    0x305    0x161    0x307     0x31C
 15 bits |    ?     0x310   0x313    0x316    0x162    0x319     0x31D
 16 bits |    ?     0x311   0x314    0x317    0x163    0x31A     0x31E
 decimal |           d785    d788     d791
 24 bits |    ?     0x312   0x315    0x318      ?      0x31B     0x31F
 decimal |           d786    d789     d792
 32 bits |    ?       ?       ?        ?      0x164      ?

Check /boot/grub/menu.lst. In the boot stanza on the kernel line, there needs to be this argument:


Also, try adding this to the Boot Options on the grub menu


If that works, add it to the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst

If none of that works, in a terminal window, switch to root, and do

hwinfo --framebuffer

That will tell you if your graphics device supports the vesa framebuffer driver and at what resolutions - try substituting what you have now in menu.lst with one of those. You can test that on using the Boot Options on the grub menu, like


When you find what works, change menu.lst accordingly. If you don’t have hwinfo installed, just do (also, as root)

zypper in hwinfo