The guidance we give new users, is to go here to learn how to setup their repositories: Repositories - openSUSE-Community
and then , for example, if they are using 11.1, they should go here:
Repositories/11.1 - openSUSE-Community
where if you follow that, you will see OSS, Non-OSS, and Update are probably added. All one needs to do is add packman.
My advice to you is to REMOVE the packman you added, and ADD packman the way I described above.
Now we have a NEW USERS section New User How To/FAQ (read only) - openSUSE Forums , with a guide, explaining all this and more on our forum. In stead of hijacking someone else’s thread that you just did, which is considered bad manner in the forum, you could have surfed the forum top level first, and also started your new thread.
Well, from my point of view, your post of libxine1 not being present was wrong, and misleading to other new users, and had to be immmediately corrected, else others who did not know better, and also could not be bothered to check our forum from the top level down (like I just decribed) would start quoting the error made as if it was gospel … ie no libxine1, when in fact here is , it is clear there is, and what more, it is noted in many many guides if one only takes the time to surf.
I’m sad to read that my post put you off, but I think you gather by now that yours had the same effect on me. I don’t get paid for this. I could just as well be working on my own project right now.
Anyway, since YOU consider my post irrelevant, I’ll do the same to yours. You are now on my ignore list. And please feel free to treat all the details in my above post as irrelevant. I post this more for others who may be mislead by the inaccurate statement that libxine1 can not be found in Packman. But no worries, as there are MANY on our forum who are much more tactful than I, and who are much brighter than I, who can give you the help you need. And the best way to get their attention is to post in a separate thread (don’t hijack someone else’s thread) and post politely.
Good luck.