No sound with Amsn when Amarok is running

Hi everyone!!!:slight_smile:
I’m a new Linux OPenSuse user and I have a little problem.:
When Amarok is running, I can’t have sounds and alerts in AMsn…
It’s not a so big problem but if it could be resolved it should be great!!!
I tried one thing: once Amarok started, I opened Amsn in a Konsole.
I got an error message, the following one:

(<unknown>:19688): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: IA__g_object_set_valist: object class GstGConfAudioSrc' has no property named blocksize’

Does anybody have an idea???
Thanks a lot…:slight_smile:

Does anyone could help me???:frowning:

JujudesHighlands9 wrote:

> Does anyone could help me???:frowning:
> Thanks…

Can’t solve the whole problem, but I’ve also seen some strange things with
sound, period. Not sure if it was fat fingers or something that got
installed but my symptoms are no output from Amarok or flash if kaffeine is
loaded. close kaffeine and maybe amarok comes back. If not, check and see
if Firefox is hung up (likely from trying to run a flash element). If so,
kill it then restart amarok. That usually brings it back. Funny, until
recently, I could have all sorts of thing running sound with no problem
(other than understanding all the noise <g>) but recently it has gotten
awfully touchy…

Will Honea

I don’t use aMSN nor use Amarok (with the gstreamer sound engine), but I do use Amarok with the xine sound engine. I have xine set to use the alsa api. I also have the Packman packaged Amarok and xine (ie have amarok, amarok-xine, amarok-packman, libxine1 and xine-ui all packaged by the Packman packagers installed).

You could check your applications output sound modules to see if they use the alsa api, and if not, change them to use the alsa api. Alsa api supports multiple audio applications playing audio at the same time.

Purportedly Pulse Audio has the same capability, but I do not know enough about that (pulse audio) to provide any advice.

Here is a link to openSUSE sound concepts in case you wish to understand this further: Sound-concepts - openSUSE

I finally found a ,at least, temporar solution.
I just removed Pulseaudio and since I did it, I have no problem anymore!!!
I just hope it lasts for a long time now!!!lol!
Have fun and enjoy the chameleonrotfl!

I’m having this problem also. It has not become so bad that amarok starts but never gets beyond that point, so no buttons become active, the cursor spins when placed over the app, etc.

The only engine installed for amarok was xine so I installed yauap engine and tried that but it didn’t work either.

I’m going to try to upgrade the flash player/plugin and see if that helps.