No sound when I play tracks in Banshee and Amarok

Hi there:

I was confused as to where exactly should I start this thread (in Application or in Hardware). Anyways I guess this doesnt turn out to be the wrong place.

The problem I have is this: Sometimes when I play mp3’s in banshee or for that matter even in Amarok, I do not hear any sound. I could see that the track is being played as I can see the slider moving. But when I play mp3’s from Mplayer or SMplayer I can listen to the sound. Why so? And how do I get my banshee or amarok to play songs fro me?

Moreover this is not the only issue. Sometimes when I boot up my laptop I get this error which is something like “Phonon device doesnt work, falling back to default”. And sometimes I do not get that error. Now what is phonon? And can anybody please explain it to me? How do I fix this too.

Finally the sound is of not such a good quality in openSUSE as in XP. I have a dual boot and I can see that there is a difference. The sound is screechy in openSUSE and kind of breaks making me hard to listen to songs at high volume. Moreover when I move up the slider of PCM in the Mixer, there is very little difference in volume when I move the slider from say 0 to 80%. But after that even a slightly moving up the slider brings great change in volume. Is this natural.

I hope I havent cramped too many questions in one thread!

Thank you for replying guys.

I use openSUSE 11.1. KDE 4.1 on DELL Vostro 1400N.

I can only advise on Amarok. I would make sure you are using the xine engine.

As you did not say if you were using Amarok 2 or 1.4, it a little difficult. But with 1.4 make sure you use the packman version amarok-xine

Thank you caf4926 for such a fast reply. I use Amarok 1.4 and about the packman version amarok-xine, I know only that I had installed all packman packages for smplayer and mplayer and vlc player and all from the community repository. I had did so on advice of oldcpu to one of my earlier threads and after that I could play videos and mp3 fine. And I think I must have packman amarok-xine cause I used to listen to songs if I played them in Amarok1.4. (I m sorry if I my assumption is wrong).

A recent change in packaging in kde4 may mean you have amarok2


rpm -qi amarok

post result