No Sound in Acer pc

Sorry my mistake i does not stop there. It just takes a little longer then what i expected that all. Anyway the result is something like this

sarai@linux-oonb:~> sarai@linux-oonb:~> speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2 -l5 -twav
bash: sarai@linux-oonb:~: command not found
sarai@linux-oonb:~> speaker-test 1.0.18

speaker-test 1.0.18

Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 1 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 192 to 2097152
Period size range from 64 to 699051
Using max buffer size 2097152
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 524288
was set buffer_size = 2097152
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.985687
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.984097
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.963377
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.984803
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.984456
0 - Front Left
Time per period = 10.984048
0 - Front Left

by the way …no sound even after i rebooted. I am going to try “acer-aspire” and let you know what happens.

With the setting “acer”, how about restarting your sound driver by typing in a gnome-terminal or konsole:
su -c ‘rcalsasound resart’
and enter root password when prompted. Then run that sound test again.

If it fails, then reboot. After the reboot is finished, copy and paste into a gnome-terminal or konsole: dmesg > dmesg.txt && curl -F file=@dmesg.txt will give you a URL. Please post that URL here.

Then, and only then, try replacing “acer” with “acer-aspire”, reboot, test your sound. Other options you can try are listed in the ALSA-Configuration.txt file, and the relevant section (I believe) is the one for the ALC883/888:

	  3stack-dig	3-jack with SPDIF I/O
	  6stack-dig	6-jack digital with SPDIF I/O
	  3stack-6ch    3-jack 6-channel
	  3stack-6ch-dig 3-jack 6-channel with SPDIF I/O
	  6stack-dig-demo  6-jack digital for Intel demo board
	  acer		Acer laptops (Travelmate 3012WTMi, Aspire 5600, etc)
	  acer-aspire	Acer Aspire 9810
	  medion	Medion Laptops
	  medion-md2	Medion MD2
	  targa-dig	Targa/MSI
	  targa-2ch-dig	Targs/MSI with 2-channel
	  laptop-eapd   3-jack with SPDIF I/O and EAPD (Clevo M540JE, M550JE)
	  lenovo-101e	Lenovo 101E
	  lenovo-nb0763	Lenovo NB0763
	  lenovo-ms7195-dig Lenovo MS7195
	  lenovo-sky	Lenovo Sky
	  haier-w66	Haier W66
	  3stack-hp	HP machines with 3stack (Lucknow, Samba boards)
	  6stack-dell	Dell machines with 6stack (Inspiron 530)
	  mitac		Mitac 8252D
	  clevo-m720	Clevo M720 laptop series
	  fujitsu-pi2515 Fujitsu AMILO Pi2515
	  3stack-6ch-intel Intel DG33* boards
	  auto		auto-config reading BIOS (default) 

… as you can see, here are a wide selections of options that can be tried, and acer and acer-aspire are only a couple amongst many.

Also, I would like you to try again to re-install the alsa-driver-kmp-default rpm file (the alsa driver) . That mismatch in the tsalsa script makes no sense.

That is EXACTLY what you are supposed to get, but you should also be seeing Font Right, and you should be hearing a ladies voice at the same time.

I’ve NEVER seen before only “Front Left” and no “Front Right”. Thats bizzare.

Here is the url you told me to paste .

dmesg.txt - (beta)

The only reference to sound that I found was this:

ALSA sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c:2325: hda_codec: model 'acer' is selected 

that lack of errors suggests that “acer” could be a good setting to apply in the /etc/modprobe.d/sound file. Yet you report no sound. I do note many acpi entries before and after that alsa line … Possibly an BIOS (acpi) problem ?

One thing you could also try is reboot your PC to the failsafe settings and test your audio from the safe mode. Also, ensure your audio is switched ON in your BIOS.

I will try that.

But if i dont reply , that means i loodeg off and i would be reply tomorrow