No Snapper configs after installing Opensuse leap 42.1


I have just installed (a few days ago) Opensuse Leap 42.1 on my office PC. (NET-Install!)
The System partition (/) is on a btrfs ssd, Home and some other partitions on additional conventional HDs formated with xfs.

I want to use Snapper for a backup of my system-config (/), but it seems that none of the basic configs has been installed an
therefore yast2-snapper gives an error message and shuts down after OK.

What can I do to create a snapper config and/or why have those configs not been installed? (The available docu of leap 42.1 does not cover the situation of absent configs.)

REMARK: I that the absence of the snapper configs has been a subject with Milestone 1 of Leap 42. looks like this has not been efficiently fixed since then.

Thanks for your help!



show us the configs, please.
Enter in the command line:

snapper list-configs
snapper list

And give us the output.

How big is root. if too small snapper is default set off

here are the results of the comands:
**# **snapper list-configs
Konfiguration | Subvolume
# snapper list
The configuration “root” does not exist. Snapper is probably not configured.
For more instructions, see the “one snapper”.

@gogalthorpe: root (/) has 270 GB of which are 16.2 GB (5%) used.

Thanks for your help


If you open yst2-system-/etc/sysconfig Editor-System-Snapper-SNAPPER_CONFIGS
Is it blank?


snapper -c / create-config /

You can find the tutorial under

@conram: Yes. empty.

Thanks. I tried that as su in konsole. Answer was:

 **#** snapper -c / create-config /
Fehler (error.something).

Looks like there is some more, or do I have to do it as root?

Thanks for your help

??? You did it already as root???

Nope, as SU from my user account. I can try again later from root.

okay, now it gets even funnier:

  1. logged in as root, entered the command again, ANSWER: Config already exists.

  2. opened yast2-snapper: Answer: “there is no config.” Frontend not working.

  3. entered “snapper list-configs” and “snapper list”: ANSWER: Config “Root” does not exist. Snapper seems to be not configured.

  4. Opened yast2-/etc/sysconfig/Editor - system - snapper - snapper_configs : Found: Config / (“Root”) set as standard …

So: whats wrong in this?? … And why are there 5 different, seemingly non-matching, possibly incompatible frontends for this one programm??

Sorry … and still: thanks for your help


I do not know what you used su for, but in these circumstances, most people use su to start a root owned process.

Either I do completley misunderstand what you are doing, or you have a misunderstanding about the different ways a root owned process can be started.

This might be helpful in the latter case:

General rule is never to log into a GUI as root you can accidentally break stuff. Use su - to become root in a console. note dash. Without dash you still use your user environment with dash you get full root environment